Easy Ways To Build Credit


Credit can be a pretty scary thing but it doesn’t have to be. You see, with all the options that you have available to you, it’s now easier than ever to to build credit or take control of your currently bad credit. If you scroll down, you’ll see that we’ve put together a list of tips that will allow you to build credit even if you’re doing this for the first time. Are you ready to get started? Great! Because so are we. Now, scroll down and we’ll get started.


Credit Cards

The first way that we recommend building credit is also one of the most common ways of doing it. Yes, credit cards. Don’t be scared though. As long as you play your cards right and are smart with your money, credit cards can be an effective (and safe) way to build credit. There are also a lot of credit card companies out there with special programs in place to aid those who don’t have any credit yet as well as those who simply have bad credit.

Cell Phones

Another good way to build credit is with a cell phone and why not take advantage of this? Odds are, you have a cell phone or need one anyways so you’d be getting the best of both worlds. Some providers will require a hefty down payment if you don’t have credit but you will usually get it back about 6 months into the contract and it will work wonders for your credit. Be sure to check around for the best prices possible and see what you can find.


This isn’t the best way to build credit but it is still an effective method. If you do go this route, we hope that you’ll pay close attention to interest rates, terms, and don’t get too carried away. If at all possible, try going to a local finance company and taking out the bare minimum which is usually around $300. Use that money for whatever you need to and make the monthly payments. Once you’re done, your credit should improve pretty decently.


Finally, the last way that we have for you to build up your credit is through something that anyone has to pay. Utilities! Not all utility companies report to credit but there are some out there that do. Contact some of your local utility companies to see if they are one of them and if they are, consider making the switch unless they are already your provider. If they are, then at least you know that while the lights on, you’re also building credit.


Now, you’re ready to get out there and build your credit up like never before! It does take time so try to be patient and not get too frustrated if you don’t get immediate results. A good rule of thumb is that it takes about a year to build any significant amount of credit unless you have a bunch of accounts open but if you play it smart and give yourself a couple of years to build credit, it’ll work out very well for you. Good luck and enjoy your credit!

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