Even More Clever Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas


We talked a little bit the other day about how to save money on gas. Since gas prices are going nowhere but up, I figured we could expand on it a bit and talk a little bit more about other ways to save money on this necessary expense. 

If you are finding yourself needing to save more money, check out this list of even more clever tips to help you save money on gas.

Even More Clever Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas

Walk More

This one is good for your health and your wallet! If you have the option to, why not walk a little more often? If you are just running a quick errand that is near you, head on outside and walk there! It will feel good later.

Of course this isn’t always an option, but it sometimes is and it’s well worth looking at!


If you have the option to carpool to work or while taking the kids to school, do it! Let’s say you kick in on gas money and you and the driver can save half of what you would normally be paying for gas. 


Do you have the option of working from home? Even if your employer only allows it a few days per week, this is a great way to save money on gas costs! With the change in the workforce over the last year or so, many people have been working from home and discovering the joy of saving money on fuel! 

Choose a Fuel Efficient Car

If you happen to be in the market for a new car, check out it’s fuel efficiency and make that one of the deciding factors before you buy. If you make the switch from a gas guzzler to a gas saver, those trips to the gas station will be far less stressful.

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