Father’s Day Gift Ideas

What are you giving for Father’s Day? I have learned that it is the small, thoughtful gifts that mean the most…not the most expensive. My kids love to do homemade gifts on Father’s Day too. Here are a few inexpensive and FUN ideas for you.

1. Make a photo collage. Last year my kids cut out pictures from magazines that described their dad…everything from food to activities to physical characteristics. We wrote at the top of the poster “We love our Dad!” and then they glued all the pictures on the poster. It was awesome! (sorry no photo!)

2. We took these empty Altoid tins last year and make containers for his small screws, nuts, and nails with this template (I couldn’t find the ‘screw’ tin for my pic). The kids colored the paper then we mod modged the paper onto the tin. Easy!

3. My kids love making homemade cards for their dad on Father’s Day. Get out the markers, stencils, construction paper and stickers! Make it fun. My older kids have started writing poems in their cards. Ode to Dad!

4. Make a candy gram (candy bars/candy on a poster).

5. Paint a large rock for a paper weight.

6. Here is a great freebie to give to dad this year! A free mousepad from Rite Aid Video Values. Watch a short video and earn a credit for a free computer mousepad, valued up to $12.99! Order online and pick up in-store.

What are some inexpensive and memorable gifts that you have given on Father’s Day? Let’s all share some ideas!

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  1. whoops! I can't spell. I meant Mod Podged. 🙂

  2. I thought of a fun idea this year – haven't created it yet with the kids, but I think it will be great! I ordered a solid color necktie from SolidColorNeckTies.com (1 tie cost $6.98 with shipping), and I'm going to have the kids paint/decorate the tie. Let me just say, my hubby will have the coolest tie on Father's Day!

  3. I can't find the way to get the free mouse pad this article talks about. I've gone to the Rite Aid site and watched videos, but see nothing about the free mouse pad. Please give more info.

  4. Mine was under the "Special Offers" section in the Video Values. Check that section in your account.

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