Find an Extra $100 This Week with These Tips


Twenty dollar bills isolated against white background.

Twenty dollar bills isolated against white background.

Who could use a little bit of extra money this week?  I know I can.  Between taxes, bills and the kids being home for Spring Break this has been a rough month.  Luckily I know that there are some ways for me to find some extra cash, it’s just a matter of doing it.

If you need a cash boost, you can use some or all of these tips to earn an extra $100 this week:

Return those unused items.  Do you have items sitting around the house that you have never used?  Maybe it’s an article of clothing that didn’t fit or just an item that you mistakenly bought.  Many stores have generous return policies so depending on how long you have had it, you may be able to return it for money.  

Recycle.  Do you live in a bottle redemption state?  Go through your house and garage and return all of the bottles and cans that you have.  We did this last weekend and found that we had 3 bags full of bottles that were just waiting to be returned.  I had my son load them up and we took them in (we were going grocery shopping anyway) and ended up with an extra $7.  It’s not a lot, but it’s something, plus I have less clutter at home now!

Skip the Lattes.  By now we all know that we can save a tremendous amount of money by forgoing our daily coffee drink, but even if you are unwilling to give it up completely, skipping just once week could save you $25 or more!

Sell your Old Electronics.  Are you still holding onto your old phone, tablet, iPod, etc?  Why not throw them up for sale?  You can do this on Craigslist or FB sale groups and have cash in hand by the end of the day.

Cash in on Name Brand Clothes.  Do you wear name brand clothing?  I routinely see Miss Me and Silver Jeans selling for $50+ on FB Yard Sale pages!  Yep, people pay over $50 for used jeans!! If you have name brand clothing at home that you rarely (if at all) wear, why not get rid of it and put some cash in your pocket instead?

What is your favorite quick money making trick?

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