FREE 15.00 Gift Card to Kodak Gallery!

Go to Kodak Gallery to sign up for your free 15.00 gift card! They’re giving away a minimum of 300,000 cards in three different stages: Oct 20 – Oct 28, Oct 29 – Nov 5, Nov 6 – Nov 13. During each stage, they’re giving away at least 100,000 gift cards. If you sign up after they’re done giving out gift cards for that stage, you’ll get a 15% off discount code instead, but you’ll still be eligible to sign up for a 15.00 gift card during the next stage.

  1. Head on over to Kodak Gallery.
  2. Click on “Get Your Free Gift,”
  3. Enter your e-mail address to start the signup process.
  4. Complete signup.
  5. Check your e-mail address, including your spam folder, for your gift code.
  6. You can follow the PYP conversation here!

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  1. I got one! Thank you 🙂

  2. its actually a gift code. 🙂

    I was hoping for the gift card, but this is good too, thanks

  3. oops never mind read that wrong, my bad LOL

  4. I haven't registered in the forum yet, so I couldn't post. But I wanted to say thanks for posting this! I got my code pretty fast, and i'm wondering if it has to be used all in one shot?

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