Frugal Summertime Yard Tips

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How does your yard look this summer?  Could it use some extra love? I know that yard work can be daunting because well, it’s hard work of course.  Also, many people put an excessive amount of money into maintaining their yard. Whether they spend a lot of money on supplies, or they pay a lawn maintenance service, it’s not cheap.  Not to worry though, it is possible to keep up on your yard work throughout the summer for little to no cost.

Here are some of my favorite frugal summertime yard tips:

  • Don’t mow your lawn too short.  I know you want to mow it as few times as possible, but if you keep your blades raised you will find that your grass looks healthier longer into the summer than if you mow it super short.
  • Weed often.  You need to walk your yard and weed it very often, at least 3 times per week.  Yes, this isn’t always a blast, but plus side? It’s free! Plus, weeding your yard can be quite therapeutic.  I always do mine in the early part of the day when the neighborhood is quiet and it’s not too hot.
  • Water early.  Water your lawn in the early part of the day.  Since this is before the heat sets in, it allows you to use less water than if you were to water during the warm part of the day.
  • Clean your yard often. Whether it’s leaves or other natural debris, or just toys or other items littering your yard, be sure to walk your yard several times a week to clean it up.  Not only will you prevent eyesores from the messy look of a littered yard, but it will help keep your lawn healthy if there are no items lying around killing your grass.

How do you keep your yard looking its best without spending a lot of money?

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