Fun Indoor Games & Activities to Keep Your Kids Busy

gamesAre you getting a little restless, waiting for Spring and Summer weather? This time of year can play tricks on us when we have great sunny days and then suddenly get slammed with snow or rain. My kids can get antsy and a little crazy if I don’t plan the day out with some fun games and activities. Here are a few that might help you out.

Listen to a Book on Tape
Go to your local library and get a book on tape that all of you would enjoy. Grab your blankets and pillow and gather in the living room. You could even pop some popcorn and then lay down and listen to a nice book on tape. Be sure to get one that is appropriate for your kids ages. You want them to be engaged and listening.

Kinetic Sand
If you guys don’t have any of this, buy some! Seriously. It’s been a lifesaver this winter. If you don’t have fun sand toys to play with the kinetic sand, just grab some measuring cups and cookie cutters and the kids are ready to go. Amazon has a few great options you could grab here. 

Pillow Fights
If you need to get some energy out, who doesn’t love a classic pillow fight? Maybe mix things up and play hide n seek and then when you find the person you have a pillow fight. That can make it last a little longer. Set a few rules and get playing!

Treasure Hunt
Write down clues on a piece of paper and hide them around the house. Give the kids the first clue and watch as they find the rest of the clues. You can have them do little things at each place or have a treat at the end. Make this as short or as long as you want. Kids love it!

Make a Treat
Have the kids help you make a treat/snack. You could even browse Pinterest with your little ones and see what they would like to help make. To make this into a service, once you make your treat, take some to a neighbor or friend who may be sick or alone.

Finger paint
If you’re feeling brave, get out the paint. Kids love to use their imaginations and create a masterpiece. Have them make an art piece for a friend or their grandparents.

Dance Party
Let each person pick their favorite song to dance to and turn it up! You can even dress up with hair and makeup for this event to make it a little more fun.

Play Classic Game
I loved playing Simon Says and Red Light, Green Light when I was little. Your kids are sure to love these too. Simon Says is also a good one to keep the kids moving. Have them do jumping jacks or run up and down stairs. Get them tired! You can also get out your board games that you haven’t played in awhile.

Show and Tell
Each person (including mom) go get something from their room that is special to them. Then gather back together and sit in a circle. Each person can tell why they chose that item and what it means to them. This is a fun way to get your kids talking. You just might find out something about them you didn’t know before.

Have a Parade
Gather all sorts of odds and ends like paper towel rolls, oatmeal containers, cans and spoons and make an instrument. Then march around the house with your parade. Yes, you may need earplugs, but this is a fun one that will bring smiles to everyone.

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