How to Get Fit Without Breaking the Bank

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Okay, so the new year is here and you are ready to make some changes.  You are ready to lose weight, get fit, be healthy and all of the great things that come along with all of those things. The thing about all of these things though is that they seem easy to do if you can afford a gym membership, or one of those great eating programs, but those can easily cost you hundreds of dollars each month.  If you are like many of us, you either don’t have that kind of money to spend or, if you do, you simply don’t want to spend your money on this stuff.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get fit without breaking the bank.  Check out these tips on how to do just that.

Stream it.  Check out YouTube, Amazon, Netflix, etc to find workout videos that you can stream.  There are lots of great workouts out there for you to enjoy for free or just the cost of your Netflix or Amazon membership.

Sign up for trials.  I know I have been seeing a free 3 month trial to Daily Burn videos on Groupon and elsewhere.  Might as well take advantage of those free 3 months.  Additionally, many gyms offer free 7 day trials.  Why not try out all of the gyms in your area?

Take over someone’s gym membership.  Check your local for sale FB groups and Craigslist ads.  Oftentimes people have signed up for a gym membership and find that they don’t use it so they need someone to take it over.  These still come with the monthly fee, but this is one way to avoid paying enrollment fees.

Hit the pavement.  C’mon!  Walking is one of the easiest and by far the cheapest forms of exercise there is!  Lace up your sneakers and walk around your neighborhood.  No gas cost to get you there, no membership fee, nothing!  But you do get lots of fresh air!

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