Get the Most out of your Weekends with These Tips



Do you struggle to enjoy your weekends?  Do you feel like you spend all of your time working and not enough time enjoying time with your family?  

Don’t let your busy-ness overwhelm you to the point that you don’t actually enjoy your time off. You can follow these tips to get the most out of your weekends and take back your life.

Meal plan. I preach about meal planning often, but it’s for a reason. It really does save you a significant amount of time!  Be sure that you include the weekends on this meal planning journey and you will no longer spend any amount of your precious time trying to figure out what to eat because that decision will have already been made.  Additionally,  you should consider freezer cooking, if you have your meals planned and prepared in advance there will be nothing more to so than heat it up. This will save hours over the course of a weekend.

Schedule work days. If you have work that needs to be done on your house and/or yard, schedule in advance and set that time aside.  Get it done then and don’t procrastinate,  once you get it done and out of the way, it’s then time for fun.

Keep up on chores. Make sure to keep up on chores throughout the week. If you let your everyday chores go, your weekend will have to be filled with catching up on housework. Just a couple of minutes each day spent on housework can save hours throughout the weekend.

Plan fun.  Make sure you go out of your way to plan fun activities for you and the family. Buy those concert tickets, schedule those tours, whatever it is, commit to it so that you don’t just toss it aside in favor of doing nothing.  If you already have it marked on a calendar, or you he already paid for it. You are less likely to skip it.  My favorite resource for weekend fun is Groupon!  My family and I have done so much fun stuff that we have found there.

What tricks have you found that help your weekends not go wasted?

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