Get Your Child to Read This Summer!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
But, how do you encourage your child to read? Here are some ideas I have used over the years and some I’ve learned from others.
1) Begin early. Picture books are a great way to start out. My children loved Eric Carle!

2) Once your children are old enough to read on their own, continue to read with them. My daughter is 18 and a couple of weeks ago, while we were both sick, we read Jessica Day George’s Dragon Slippers together. I loved the book and the time spent with my daughter!


3) Read the beginning of the book to your child and get them hooked on it and then leave it lying around where they can pick it up and finish it on their own. This will encourage the private reading time that some children struggle with.


4) Have a special reading place designated. Small tents work great for this. You can make one yourself by spreading blankets over a table or purchase one. Make sure this tent is just for reading!


5) Have a family read-a-thon. Make special snacks and put beanbag chairs or pillows and blankets around and everybody just READ!


6) Allow your children to select their reading materials. I am a big believer in this one. Obviously, there are exceptions to this, but choice is a big deal. A lot of children dislike reading because they don’t like the books they read at school. It is good to teach them there are other options. Not all books are for learning. Some are just for fun!


7) Spend time in the public library. Even if you are a Kindle reader (like I am!) make time for the library. It is important for children to see and hold books. The library will help teach them about the variety of books available and instill in them a love of the written word.


8 ) Share your enthusiasm for books with the children in your life. I read a lot of juvenile fiction and this helps me to have referrals ready for my young nephews. Plus, there are some really good books out there in the juvenile category!


9) Get your hands on some audio books. These are especially great for long car rides. My daughter has a great love for Shakespeare that began with dramatized audio versions of the stories. When my children were young, I didn’t want to spend the money for audio books, so I digitally recorded me reading some of my favorite stories (including the entire 1st Harry Potter book). We burned the books to CD and listened to them on vacation as we drove from Utah to California.


Although you can set up a reward system for reading, I think it’s important for children to learn that reading is one of those things that really is its own reward. However, I know that reward systems have worked well for many families! and my children always participated in the library summer programs when they were young.
What do you do to get your children to read?

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