Thanks to Target, Butterball and Disney, this week you can get a turkey, stuffing, roaster or 3-dish buffet, and a movie for around $30!!!
Target (SuperTarget) has Butterball frozen turkeys (10-24lb) on sale for .88/lb. They also have an Oster 18-qt. roaster or buffet server on sale for $27. Buy a turkey and one of the Oster products, and you will get a $15 Target gift card. But wait, it gets better.
The 4-disc BluRay combo pack of Disney’s A Christmas Carol is on sale for 29.99. If you buy a Butterball turkey and the combo pack together, you can submit your receipt for a $10 rebate from Butterball. And you can use a $10 off coupon from Disney. But wait, it gets EVEN better…
If you ALSO buy four StoveTop stuffing mixes (also on sale this week, .79 ea), you can use a $4 off coupon for the turkey and (2) $1 off coupons for the stuffing!
So, here’s what ya do:
Buy (1) Butterball frozen turkey, .88 lb (for caculation’s sake we’ll assume you buy a 10lb turkey for 8.80)
(4) StoveTop stuffing, on sale .79 ea
(1) Oster 18qt roaster or buffet server, 27.00
(1) Disney’s Christmas Carol BluRay 3D combo pack, 29.99
Subtotal: $68.95 (before tax)
Use (1) Butterball Whole Turkey, any fresh or frozen $4/1 when you buy any combination of (4) packages of 12 oz. Heinz Homestyle Gravy, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls or Stove Top Stuffing Mix Box (12-31-10) SS-11/7
(2) 1.00/2 printable coupons for the StoveTop stuffing (LINK or LINK)
(1) $10 off printable coupon from Disney (LINK)
Final subtotal: $52.95 (before tax), plus now you’ll get a $15 Target gift card and can submit your receipt for a $10 rebate from Butterball (LINK)
Net price: $28 – $38 (depending on the size of turkey you buy)
So for about $30 – $40 you get a turkey, stuffing, a roaster or buffet server and the movie combo pack!!!
Thanks to PYP member tightwadmomof5 for the awesome find!