Halloween – Play It Safe

It’s the day before Halloween. Parents everywhere are putting the last minute touches on Halloween costumes and stock piling the candy. Tomorrow promises fun and excitement to children everywhere. With all the excitement children can easily forget they still need to play it safe while trick or treating. Take a minute to review safety rules with your children before they head out. Make a plan for the night as a family. A safe Halloween is a Happy Halloween.

Safety Tips For Younger Children

1. Parents should accompany small children as they trick or treat. Especially when going to unfamiliar houses.
2. Place a paper with your name and phone number inside of your child’s costume in case you are accidentally separated.
3. Talk about stranger danger. Remind children it’s ok to scream and fight back should they feel threatened.
4. Choose to visit neighborhoods close to home.

Safety Tips for Older Children

1. There is safety in numbers. Staying with a group is a fun way to spend the night. Take advantage of the “buddy system” by hanging out with friends.
2. Plan a route. If older children are venturing out on their own, take the time to visit with them about the areas they will travel. Be an informed parent.
3. Have a curfew.

Costume Safety

1. Wear reflective clothing or carry a flash light or glow stick while trick or treating.
2. Avoid a mask if possible. If not make sure your child can see and breath easily while wearing one.
3. Limit the number of costume accessories your child carries with them. Avoid items that have sharply pointed ends. Wands, swords and knives can be dangerous in the dark.

Play it safe and have a Happy Halloween!

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