Happy National Preparedness Month!

Did you guys realize it’s National Preparedness Month? What better time of the year especially where we live. We’ve had many evacuations due to fires and it’s really got me thinking about our own home, what we’d take and leave behind and how quickly could we get out.

We’ve talked about 72 hour kits before and if you missed it you can check it out here. But what about documents you need and identification? Not only are you going to want these printed and in some sort of binder but it’s a good idea to put copies of all your documents onto a flash drive. We have two flash drives, one in our fire proof safe and another at a relatives house just in case.

This is something simple to pull together but in an emergency you’ll be so grateful all this information is stored together in an easy grab and go spot. Here’s some important documents to have in your binder:

  • Identification papers (passports, copies of driver’s license, social security cards, birth certificates and even a family picture)
  • Insurance papers (contact information as well as policy numbers. I also highly recommend you have documented or taken pictures/video of every room in your home)
  • Personal documents (marriage certificates, family history records, family keepsakes)
  • Other documents (titles to your cars, home owners paperwork, pet documents)
  • Medical documents (allergies, prescriptions, immunizations and medical conditions)
  • Contact Information (family/friends number that live out of state, immediate family and their work contact information)

You don’t know when that time will arise that you’ll need to grab your important stuff and leave the house, unknown if you’ll be able to return and what will be lift. Please take some time this month to get prepared.

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