Haven’t done your taxes yet? Better get started!

Did you procrastinate your taxes?!  Don’t worry, there’s a solution to your problem!  Online income tax preparation services like H&R Block, Tax Act, and TurboTax.com can make the process very fast and painless. Don’t believe it? Follow these simple steps and see for yourself!

Open an account at either H&R Block, Tax Act, or TurboTax.com (if you don’t already have one).  If you’ve never used any of them, all are great companies and the service is very easy to use, so just choose the name you’re most comfortable with.  Each service offers editions that are priced according to the complexity of your return, so examine them carefully to find the one that will do what you need for the lowest price. Even though you have to choose one of the editions to open your online account, you won’t have to pay anything until you’re ready to either file your return electronically or prepare the final print-out.

Log into your account and make sure that all of your personal information is entered and ready to go. If you filed a return through that service last year, simply follow the instructions to import the required information into this year’s return. If this is the first time you’ve used an online tax preparation service, just follow the prompts to manually enter the necessary information from your hard copies of last year’s income tax forms.

Once all of your income and expense statements have been entered, the online tax preparation services will conduct a free automated review. This review will check for errors and for any possible deductions you may have missed. If all goes well, your online federal tax return will be ready to file.

For an additional fee, the services will import your federal tax data into a state tax return and guide you through a short process to complete it. The state tax return will then be automatically reviewed and verified.

When you’re ready to file your income tax returns, you can choose to file them electronically (e-file) or print them out and mail them through the post office. You’ll have to pay the online tax preparation service fee at this time.

If you file electronically, you’ll be asked to check back in a few days to verify that your returns were accepted by their respective agencies.

TurboTax Choose Easy

That’s it! You’re done for another year. Your tax returns will remain available in your account so that you can print additional copies if you need them. You’ll also be able to import the data into next year’s return. Get started doing your taxes NOW with one of these great online tax prep sites! H&R Block, Tax Act, and TurboTax.com.

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