Healthy Fruits That Are Also Cheap


Cheap food is often not good for you. We know that processed foods can often be bought for pennies on the dollar and we all know that things like this (top ramen, frozen pizza, etc) aren’t good for you. One thing that most of us should be eating more of is fresh produce. Fruits and vegetables are healthy and packed full of healthy vitamins that are good for us! 

It may seem like it’s impossible to eat healthy on a budget, but the truth is that some produce is quite inexpensive. Healthy fruits that are also cheap are all around the produce section, but with this list, you’ll know exactly what to grab! 

Healthy Fruits That Are Also Cheap

These fruits are all very cost effective and oh so yummy! Plus, with their health benefits they boost your health and often keep you feeling full longer than junk filled food that holds no nutritional value. 

Watermelon – averages less than $0.30 per cup and is full of antioxidants. Watermelon is also great at helping to avoid dehydration. 

Bananas – Bananas are one of the least expensive fruits in the store and they are full of fiber and goodness. Plus, they are pre-wrapped in nature so they are a perfect on the go snack!

Oranges – Another fruit that comes in its own wrapping, this one is perfect for on the go snacking and it’s a must have for cold season as it is full of vitamin C. It’s also one of those fruits that just tastes fresh and delicious!

Honeydew – Honeydew is another melon that is packed full of flavor at a low price point. Who doesn’t love a good plate of melon every now and then. 

Of course, the price of produce changes throughout the seasons, but these fruits are consistently inexpensive! Be sure and keep them in your kitchen and get you and your family snacking healthy all year long!

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