How I ‘Clip’ my Coupons

A couple of years ago I  changed how I organize my coupons. Since I get six Sunday newspapers, I thought I would share how I now organize my coupons. I no longer clip my coupons and store them in a file. It would take me forever and they would not fit! Here is what I do.

When I get my inserts I rip them apart at the spine so each page is separate. Then I lay them out in piles of the same page. Sometimes when the inserts are thick I have 15 pages, other times I have less. It just depends on how thick the inserts are. Then I staple each set together.

Then after I have stapled each set I label it on the front, like so. The date and what insert it is (SS=Smart Source). There are also Red Plum inserts, General Mills inserts, and Proctor and Gamble inserts.

Then I stick them in sheet protectors by date. I also organize them by insert. So all my Smart Source inserts are together, Red Plum are together, etc. When I need a coupon I just take out the stapled set and cut out what I need at the store.

So far I really like organizing my coupons this way because it cuts down on wasted cutting time. Many, many times I would spend time planning out my trip, clipping the coupons I needed then when I got to the store they were out of what I wanted and I was left with a mess of coupons to refile. Now I cut only what I need when I need it. I love it! And as the coupons expire I just take out the whole insert. So easy.

And I know you are wondering how in the world I find the coupon I need, right? SUPER EASY. Pinching Your Pennies has a updated weekly list of available coupons in alphabetical order. So I print out that list, keep it in my binder and I am good to go. Takes me 2 minutes tops to find what I need.

I do have some folders in the back of the binder where I keep printable coupons, store coupons, and catalinas.

My post tomorrow is about how I organize my coupon binder (that awesome big binder), so stay tuned!

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  1. Do you keep 5 months worth of coupons in that binder? Also after you’ve taken your 6 sets and divided them up so that all the “like” pages are together, do you staple the whole thing? I’m trying to find a balance between a binder and a filing method that works as well. Thanks for the tips!


  2. I keep the inserts in the binder until they expire, as long as that may be. And yes, when I have the six alike pages, I staple them together, write the date on the front, and slide it into my sheet protectors. I put two sets of 6 (so 12 papers together) in one sheet protector. Each set with the date is facing out on each side of the sheet protector so I can slip through my binder and quickly see the dates at a glance. Make sense?

    I get a box of 250 sheet protectors at Costco for $12. Best price I have found.

    I find this system works well for me. Watch for my post tomorrow that details more about the binder and how I organize it all together.

  3. How often does the PYP alphabetical coupon list get updated.

    I file my coupons as booklets by month but this requires all the preplanning ahead of time – no clipping at the store. I really like your idea – no more putting back clipped coupons because the store was out. Just clip in the store whatever you need. Definetly takes some organization and shopping w/out the kids but worth it.

    • The coupon list is updated weekly!

  4. I just want to clarify, you put 2 groups of 6 in one sleeve? so some of the coupons are covered because you have 1 set of 6 facing out and another set of 6 facing back and the coupons in between are not seen? If so, how does that work when finding coupons when you are shopping?
    I see the wisdom in not clipping and sorting everything or filing and then clipping before the shopping trip (man I hate figuring out what to do with clipped coupons that I couldn’t use when I get home because the store is out of product).
    Thanks, look forward to your next posts.

  5. I put in 2 groups of 6 in one sleeve when there are ads or coupons I wont use on the other side, like pet coupons. in other words, things I don’t need to look at. If there are coupons I use on both sides, I only put in one group of 6 per sleeve, with each side labeled with the date and insert title. Hope that helps!

  6. Yes that does help. Thanks. I starting to do it your way now and am looking forward to my next shopping trip.

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