How to Be a Good Friend
There are many people who see themselves as being social awkward in various contexts. But it’s all a matter of perception. There are some situations where you can educate and polish your behavior and get rid of some of that awkwardness.
Being a good friend means to be yourself but also adapt to the needs of your friends. You won’t have to sacrifice any personality trait, you just have to use your tact and assess the situation. Afterwards you can think of a more appropriate way to be there for your friends.
Active Listening
Any person has a story to tell. Anybody longs to be heard. Your friend definitely needs to vent his or her feelings, to get something off his or her chest. A good listener will always be a good friend. But make sure to interfere in the monologue and say what you think about a certain situation. Interrupt your friend only if you think it’s appropriate. If not, let your friend end the monologue, then tell him or her what you have in mind.
Communication Is Vital
We are born to be sociable beings. Communication shouldn’t be underestimated. A good friend will always have a sincere dialogue with his group of pals. Even if you don’t know what to say, you can offer some pieces of advice that are more than welcome. If your friend goes through some hard times, it’s kind of difficult to see the matter with fresh eyes. Your perspective over your friend’s problem can be different because you are not directly involved in the situation and you can judge it from an objective point of view.
Be Trustworthy
Trust is built in time and it is one of the most valuable things in a friendship. Can your friends trust you? Can they call you in the middle of the night? Is your door always open for them? If so, they definitely trust you. You are a good friend to them even if you might not know it yet.
Don’t Judge
We all tend to judge other persons. We think we may have chosen a different solution, a different path etc. But it’s hard to be objective. We haven’t walked in that person’s shoes to know exactly how we would react to a particular situation. Never judge; it is not okay and it is also disrespectful. What you can do is offer your support to a friend and a piece of advice if your friend wants to know what you think about that particular situation.
Be Honest
Sometimes it may seem just fine to be diplomatic and sugar coat a situation. But a true friend will always be sincere. You can be sincere and polite at the same time. Even if your friends won’t agree with what you have to say, in time they will understand that you wanted what’s best for them. Honesty is the best policy and it should come from a true friend.
Moral Support
You don’t even have to do the talking or the listening. At times your friends will just need a shoulder to cry on. Make sure to have a lot of ice cream in the fridge, some beer cans or a bottle of wine and some good movies that will keep your friend’s mind busy from what’s bugging him or her.