How to Care for Bedding


For many of us, our bedrooms are our favorite and oftentimes the most peaceful place in our homes. I don’t know about you, but my bedroom is the only place where I can just lay down and relax without kids asking me a thousand questions, without me stressing about what I will be making for dinner and without the constant noise of electronics.

That being said, the minute my bedroom gets messy, my peacefulness fades away. I have found that I need to follow a pretty regular schedule as it relates to keeping my room feeling clean and comfortable. When figuring out how to make this new cleaning schedule work for me, I also discovered that I needed to learn how to care for bedding so that I could keep it looking beautiful and lasting as long as I possibly could. 

How to Care for Bedding

If you have just been haphazardly throwing your bedding in the washer whenever the thought occurs to you, you may want to read up on these how to care for bedding tips too: 

Wash Your Bedding Regularly

Experts recommend that you wash your bedding at least every 2 weeks. I do mine weekly. We are constantly working out or working outdoors and we have a dog that loves to lay on our bed. I sometimes wash mine every couple of days. This is personal preference of course, but you really shouldn’t go any longer than 2 weeks.

Sort Your Laundry

Bedding is an area where you really should sort your laundry, even if you don’t typically do it. I always wash my sheets separately from the blankets and comforters, but I also separate them by color. 

Don’t Forget About the Pillows

While you don’t need to wash pillows nearly as often as you do the rest of your bedding, you still should be washing your pillows 3-4 times per year. Allergens can easily build up in your pillows over time and a good wash is important.

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