How to Increase Your Creativity
A lot of careers nowadays focus on creativity, its process and the wonderful results a creative mind can come up with. But since creativity will never be an exact science, it’s kind of hard to be creative all the time.
There are a few tips and tricks that can prove to be useful when one seems to go through a creative block. You can also focus on the creative process only and try to increase it when you have to meet a certain deadline or finish a certain task.
Creative Thinking
Creative thinking is for everyone. There are different types of intelligence but all of them have a fair amount of creativity. Focus on your type of intelligence and then try to find creative thoughts and solutions to different situations.
Different Angles
Try to see the concept or problem that you’re working at from different angles. You have to keep an open mind about it and try to come up with different ideas and perceptions over the same thing. This is a sure way to increase your creativity.
Take Notes
As funny as it may sound, taking notes can really help you out. If you’re brainstorming for some creative ideas, you can work with key words, too. Some people take a word and create a whole world surrounding it. The word, the concept, the image acts like a trigger and this trigger will make your creativity and imagination bloom. Some people wake up in the middle of the night because they had some creative ideas in their dreams and they write down some main ideas to develop them later.
The Bright Side of Life
A depressed person finds it hard to be creative. A bad mood, a headache, a stressed or frustrated person can’t really focus on the creativity process or its outcome. The mood can spoil any chance of being creative. Keeping a positive vibe throughout the day can really help you relax and be more creative.
Go on a Trip
Sometimes, what a creative mind needs is some peace and quiet. Going to the mountainside or to the seaside or to someplace remote can definitely boost your creativity levels. Especially if you’re a painter or a writer.
Young at Heart
Some people associate daydreaming with childhood. We had the luxury to daydream back then and scientists say that daydreaming actually has a positive impact over our intelligence, creativity and imagination. Spend some time just daydreaming; your creative ideas will start flowing soon.
Be Aware of the Outcome
What’s the use of all these? Why are you working at your desk, thinking of some creative ideas? You have a purpose; you are creating something for someone; for a company, for a client, for your readers etc. Your work has to have meaning; what message do you plan to send out to the world? If you ask yourself these questions you will be more motivated to end a creative task, your creative mind will start to be more organized, more specific and you will feel good about yourself, too.