JoooDeee Smartest Portable Smokeless BBQ Grill – Only $19.99

JoooDeee 14.5 inch RL2806 Smartest Portable Smokeless BBQ Grill

Nice price drop on this grill! Head over to Walmart where you can get this JoooDeee Smartest Portable Smokeless BBQ Grill for only $19.99! (Reg. $89.99) Here are some additional details:

  • A BETTER PORTABLE BBQ: The Grillerette Pro is a lightweight, portable, battery-powered charcoal grill that is perfect for every occasion. Portable bbq grill for camping, tailgating, travel and more!
  • 90% LESS SMOKE: Innovative grill plate design blocks grease from spilling on the charcoal, which creates a 90% reduction in smoke!
  • AUTHENTIC CHARCOAL FLAVOR: Your food is enhanced with a hint of smokiness and authentic charcoal flavor!
  • PORTABLE: The Grillerette Pro comes with a carrying case and weighs less than 8 pounds!
  • FAN CONTROLLED: Battery-powered fan gets charcoal lit faster and keeps it hot for as long as you need!

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