Last Minute, Money Saving Tips for a Fun New Year’s Eve Party

We are just a few short days from New Year’s Eve.  What are your plans?  If you are hoping to celebrate, but uneasy spending a bunch of money doing so, then you have come to the right place!  That’s right, my friends, today we are going to be talking about some last minute, money saving tips for a fun New Year’s Eve Party:

  • Skip the booze.  I don’t need to tell you this, but alcohol is not needed to have fun, plus it costs so much!  Choose to keep your NYE celebration alcohol free and you will most definitely save money.
  • Have folks bring their own drinks.  If you want to have a couple of drinks, that’s fine, but make it a BYOB (Bring your own bottle) party.  This way you aren’t having to foot the bill for everyone’s drinks.  Most people are perfectly okay with this arrangement as most people have their own drink preferences anyway!
  • Skip dinner.  Okay, don’t skip dinner completely, just be sure and start your party after dinnertime so that you don’t need to provide dinner to everyone.  A few snacks are going to be needed, of course, but the snacks are much less expensive than a full meal.
  • Use coupons.  You know us by now, you knew we weren’t going to make this list without talking about the benefits of using coupons to save money, and yes, this includes when you are throwing a party.  There are lots of coupons out there for snack foods, party needs (Such as paper towels, napkins, cups, etc), and even booze!
  • Use iBotta.  Do you use the Ibotta app?  Ibotta is a great way to get cash back on your party favorites.  Ibotta routinely has rebate offers for alcohol on it.
  • Say yes to offers of help.  If someone offers to bring something to help, say YES!  As a host, it is so easy to want to not put anyone out, but I assure you that if they are offering, it is not putting you out and it will help you keep your budget in check!

Have fun, be safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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