Make Your Own All-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner

Here’s a great recipe for making your own kitchen/bathroom cleaner:

(1) Tbsp. Borax
(3) Tbsp. white vinegar
(1) Tbsp. dish soap
(2) cups water
(1) drop essential oil (for fragrance – optional)
empty spray bottle

Mix ingredients and pour into empty spray bottle. Make sure to label.

I made this for the first time the other night and really like it. I was originally planning on using some of my peppermint oil for fragrance, but there was just enough fragrance in the dish soap that I didn’t need anymore, and I really liked how it turned out. So far I’ve tried it on my counters, my kitchen table and my (very dirty) painted walls near the front door without any problems.

[The spray bottle was purchased at Ikea and ended up holding all but about 1-2 Tbsp of the mixture.]

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