Modern Distractions vs. Saving Money!

Modern Distractions


Modern Distractions

Society is perpetually changing and the evolution of technology has brought us a lot of useful things that save us plenty of time. Cooking, washing, entertainment and many other things have become so facile nowadays. Sometimes it’s enough to press a button to get the job done.

But there are some disadvantages to this lovely, modern world. We lead a sedentary life that impacts our posture, health and mind. It’s not just that; there are some modern inventions that can be perceived as distractions because this is what they do; they take up our free time and we can also lose some money while being distracted.

So which activities that are part of our lives are considered to be modern distractions? A short list of these things might give you a clue about what kind of activities end up wasting your time or spending your money.


Addicted to Social Media

We are inclined to spend more and more time on different social media websites. Needless to say, we constantly check our newsfeed, strike up a virtual conversation and waste our free time being addicted to social media.



It’s ok to relax and watch a few episodes of your favorite TV show. But “just one more episode” can turn into a whole season and you end up feeling tired after a marathon of episodes.


Plenty of Choices when it Comes to Entertainment

When it comes to entertainment, the last couple of years have witnessed many positive changes. We have access to many amazing things, but these things end up wasting our time and money and sometimes we can’t afford the luxury of going out daily or visiting the escape rooms on a regular basis. We can sign up for different activities and workshops, but they cost money, too. We sometimes end up with different memberships and different clubs and we end up abandoning our membership because we don’t have any free time at our disposal. We should care about our hobbies and passions but we should evaluate our budget and free time and decide on one or two activities and be certain that we’ll follow through a certain schedule.


EBook Readers

There are plenty of people who are voracious readers. It’s nothing wrong with that, but at times (since it is so easy to read a book using a tablet or an eBook reader) we end up pulling an all-nighter because we really want to finish reading that book.


Video Calls

There are plenty of mobile applications that allow you to use their video call options. It’s a nice way to stay in touch with your loved ones, particularly if you moved to a different place. But the downside of it all is that you might abuse this feature.


Checking all Those Emails

We can get a little absorbed by the amount of emails we receive and we want to read them all or reply to most of them. If they aren’t important, you should definitely consider ignoring them. Or at least reserve just one hour to check the emails and reply when you feel you need to.


Cable TV

Cable TV can become a big part of our lives. We love to watch different shows or catch up with the latest news and the distractions are in abundance when it comes to cable TV.


Gossip Magazines

We seem to be a little obsessed with the lives of the rich and famous; maybe we admire a certain celebrity or we want to find out more about him or her so we tend to read a lot of gossip magazines.

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