Need Help with Your Chore Chart? Here are 15 Summer Jobs for Kids

It’s summer time and I feel like I’m slacking in my chore chart. The kids are are starting to run wild, which means I need to get a little more organized and have them work! I need to update the chore chart now that there are some summer chores that can be done. Here are 20 that will help your kids get to work, and they just might enjoy them.

  1. Car Wash. either for your own cars, or if you have teens, send a flyer around the neighborhood and have them wash cars for the neighbors.
  2. Clean out gutters. This would need some supervision on the ladders, but our older boys really like to help dad clean out the gutters. The summer is the perfect time to get these ready for the winter precipitation.
  3. Weed flower beds and around trees. This is easy for all ages and it makes such a different in the curb appeal of a home.
  4. Spray out garbage and recycle cans. Give the kids a hose or pressure washer and spray out the big cans. Grass can make them stinky!
  5. Practice musical instruments. Keep up their instrument practicing during the summer and it will do wonders for the new school year. I do have a small “piano prize” for my kids if they practice every day of the week. They have done amazing and look forward to Saturday when they get that prize and I don’t have to yell at them everyday to do it!
  6. Mow the lawn. My oldest just got to that magical height of lawn mowing. YAY! He actually enjoys it. Give them some earphones and tunes and they will mow longer.
  7. Window washing. With good weather, this is the perfect time to get it done outside.
  8. Dust cobwebs and dust from outside doors and small spaces.
  9. Help organize the garage and sweep it out.
  10. Go through all of their toys and put into 3 piles: Keep, Donate or Throw Away.
  11. Go through clothing and do the same piles of: Keep, Donate or Throw Away. Get them ready for the next size up if needed.
  12. Wipe down bedroom furniture. While you’re going through your toys and clothing, wipes down the furniture and fix it up if needed.
  13. Vacuum and wipe down kitchen cabinets- yes those ones with flour and sugar all on them.
  14. Take care of your pets. Give the kids more responsibility on feeding, cleaning out cages and walking the pets.
  15. Water flower pots. This is an easy one for the younger kids. They enjoy getting their pails and watering the flowers and watching them grow over the summer.

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