New Year – Big Savings! Tips To Help You Save More This Year!

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It’s a new year and the perfect time to learn how you can save more money! Wither you’re saving for your next family vacation or Christmas these tips could help you have hundreds. So jump on the band wagon and start saving your family money so you can live a happy debt free life!

  1. One we all know well is cut the cable! This can save you anywhere from $50+ a month if you have this extra expense each month. Here’s other options out there like good old bunny ear tv, netflix and hulu.
  2. Find alternative ways to get to work. If you have a coworker that lives close you could carpool. Or checkout the bus route and see if that’s something you could take advantage of. If you’re lucky enough to work close to home, you could ride your bike or walk.
  3. Turn off the lights when you’re not using them as well as turn down the heat (or AC in the summer). You won’t see the savings right away but over time your bills are going to drop and you’ll be able to pocket the extra savings.
  4. Start cooking from home more – I really recommend cooking all your meals from home if you’re trying to tighten the budget but we like to eat out once a week for a little break.
  5. Don’t throw away your left over dinner pack them up and put them in the fridge to eat for lunch the next day. Just make sure you eat them and they don’t go to waste because no one likes to  throw away money.
  6. Stop using paper products. Although these are useful and great for those busy nights they’re costing you money and you’re just throwing them out.
  7. There’s lots of resources out there for you to be able to sell your unused stuff on. I’ve used facebook and a local news station sight that has an online classifieds. There’s even Craig’s  list you could list your unused items on.
  8. This time of year is perfect for getting yourself healthy and fit but plan on skipping the membership. There’s so many at home videos you can workout too and online resources. I even bought some Jillian Michael’s videos at our local General Dollar.
  9. If your kids want to learn a musical instrument or your looking for a cleaner try trading services with friends and neighbors. You could offer to fold laundry or deep clean a friends home while they teach your child piano. Or offer a trade to your hair stylist the next time you need a hair cut.
  10. Next weekend plan on staying home and enjoying what you have. Have a game night or movie night with your own items. You didn’t buy them to just sit on the shelve.

This will get you a good start to saving this year! What are your new years resolutions and how are you planning on saving this year?

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