New Years Eve Family Friendly Party Ideas

family-friendly-party-ideasNew Years Eve can be a little tricky with kids. There comes a point during the night when they get grouchy and super tired. So staying up until midnight just might not be doable for you at this time. However, you can still party it up until you are ready to put the kids to bed. Here are a few suggestions to make your New Years Eve awesome with the entire family.

Celebrate the New Year Early. If kids are really young you can just tell them it’s time to ring in the New Year at what ever time you want. If they are a little older, you may want to set your clocks ahead a few hours so they can get the whole feeling. If you have Netflix, you can even get a New Years Eve Countdown and show that whenever you are ready to end the night. Just search New Years Eve Countdown and your choices will show up. So fun!

Reverse Charades. Have you played this game? You can download the app here. It’s FREE and so much fun. Basically it’s like Charades but one person is guessing and the rest of the group is acting it out. It can be pretty funny. We split up into teams, making it even with younger and older kids. Get ready for some laughs!

Fireworks or poppers. Who doesn’t love some good fireworks? This is a fun excuse to grab a few fireworks and enjoy the lights. If you don’t want to do the full fireworks show, just buy a few snaps/poppers and have a smaller show.

Have unique snacks and drinks. To set this night apart from the rest get some yummy, unique snacks and drinks. We love getting out our fondue fountain and also making Italian sodas. We don’t do those often, so the kids look forward to these occasions.

Karaoke/Dance party. While ringing in the new year, you need some music. If you have a Karaoke machine that would be even better. But never fear, if you don’t, just grab a wooden spoon and you are set! Turn the music up and have some fun. You can even make a playlist ahead of time of 2016 best hits. You can also get a few favorite songs from each person. That way when their favorite comes on they will be excited.

Slumber party. Put on your pjs, grab your pillows and blankets and get a fun movie to watch together. You can even make a blanket fort and watch it from there.

Make a 2016 Family Time Capsule. You can do this in many ways. One way would be to actually get items that represent what you have done and accomplished this past year. A more simple way, would be getting a big piece of butcher paper and make a big picture of those things you have done this past year. This is a fun time to talk together as a family and reminisce on those vacations, team sports, and other things that have been achieved this past year.

 What do you do on New Years Eve that is awesome? Comment below and let us hear your ideas!

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