How to Navigate PYP Part 1: The Top Navigation Bar

Update: To view this video in high quality, you can download it here. In order to make the screen shots extremely clear, the file size is quite large and may take a whie to download. We’re looking for a more efficient option, but in the mean time, if you start the download and then go eat dinner, you should be able to come back and watch the video.

Do you have a friend (or maybe it’s you) who’s not sure how to navigate Pinching Your Pennies? This series of videos is meant to give you an in-depth look at how to navigate all the different areas of PYP. This video starts by looking at the basic areas that can be accessed through the navigation bar at the top of every page. Future videos will look at how the forums are organized, the types of shopping lists that are available and how to easily print them, and how to use the communications features of PYP, including the chat room and the private message system.

As usual, if you have questions about using PYP, or suggestions for videos on a particular topic, comment here and I’ll put it on my “posts to write for PYP” list.

How to Save Ink on Printable Coupons

Do you ever begin to print a coupon, only to realize that you’re also printing something like the above: a three-quarter page, full-color, high-resolution ad for a product you were already planning to buy? Sure, you’re glad to have the 1.00 coupon, but you’re not sure you wanted to spend fifty-cents worth of ink to get it. And since coupons print automatically without opening up your print-job tray like most documents do, you don’t even have a chance to change your printer settings to use less ink before the coupon prints!

Unfortunately, you can’t choose to have the ads not print on your coupon pages (yet!), but there is a way to change your printer settings to make them automatically default to the lowest possible ink use so that those unwanted intruders eat up only a little black print, instead of a lot of your much-more-expensive colored ink.

1. Click on the “start” button and choose “Control Panel”.

2. Once in the Control Panel, open “Printers and Faxes”.

3. Find the printer (or printers) on which you’re going to print the coupons and right click. Choose “Printing Preferences” from the drop-down menu that appears.

4. Set the preferences to “draft” and select the checkbox for “print in black and white”. Press “okay.”
5. Your computer will now automatically print all documents, including those pesky ads, using these settings. Remember to change the settings before you print other documents that want to have appear in color or high resolution.

Wal-Mart – Lowest prices everyday?

I remember when my local SuperWalMart first opened. It was a beautiful thing, all the lowest prices, right in one place! Below many items on the shelf would be a tag saying “we’ve pricematched this item for you!” They had already done the work for me, lowering the price on items to match the sale price of a local competitor. Does it get any better than that? I was convinced I’d be a loyal WalMart shopper forever. A few months down the road, I noticed there were fewer shelf tags. A few months after that, they had completely vanished. I had to either remember to pricematch at checkout, or pay the higher price. Higher price? Yes, WalMart had the higher price. Their slogan, “Always Low Prices—Always,” and their pricematching policy seem to contradict each other. If they have the lowest prices in town, why would I need to pricematch?

“Automatic pricematching,” unfortunately a temporary maneuver at my WalMart, was a brilliant strategy to win price-conscious customers. By the time the “honeymoon phase” was over, many shoppers were in the habit of shopping at WalMart, blissfully ignorant to the fact that they were no longer getting the lowest prices.

At some point, I realized that it was costing me more to shop at WalMart. They drew me in with the promise of low prices, always, and then slowly made those low prices disappear. They now make those low prices available only to those willing to browse the competitor’s ads and pricematch the items. They probably count on the fact that busy families don’t have time to compare prices from grocery store ads and make a list of items to pricematch before trekking to the store.

I soon discovered that I could save money by shopping the sales at other local grocers. I participated in double coupon promotions, shopped case lot sales and 10 for $10 sales, and used store coupons. By shopping smarter, I was able to spend less. I was also surprised to find that shopping at other stores required less time than shopping at WalMart. Because SuperWalMart stores are larger than many shopping malls, and commonly needed items are strategically placed on opposite ends of the store, a trip to WalMart can take a considerable amount of time. Factor in a long wait at the checkout, and you can easily blow an afternoon.
I was happy to discover other benefits to shopping local and regional stores as well…….. better customer service, fresh local produce, from-scratch bakeries, community support programs, and of course the economic benefits of supporting local retailers.

Why is it important to support the local stores? If WalMart becomes the only game in town, shoppers will pay in the end. I compare this to looking for gas at an interstate exit. If you get off the interstate and there are two gas stations, they will compete for customers and the prices will stay in check. If you drive further down the interstate where there is only one exit for miles, and only one gas station at this exit, they can charge what they want and drivers in need of gas will have to pay it.

Am I suggesting that no one shop at WalMart? No. I’m just suggesting that before we shop exclusively at WalMart, we consider the possible consequences. Competition is a good thing and benefits us all in the form of lower prices. If everyone shops exclusively at Walmart, the end result will be higher prices and fewer choices. It we want to continue to have choices in where and what we buy, and how much we pay for it, we need to make an effort to shop our local stores. If there are 5 or 6 items from one local store that you plan to pricematch at WalMart, consider just going to that local store instead. Don’t make a habit of automatically pricematching everything at WalMart without thinking about the possible long term consequences. If the driving distance, price, and all other factors are equal, consider supporting other local stores. If all factors are not equal and it will just plain save you money to shop at WalMart, then by all means, shop at WalMart. Most families can’t afford to pay higher prices, just to keep competition in the local economy. The good news is, they don’t have to.
By shopping smarter, we can all save money, and also encourage healthy competition in our area. The secret to smart shopping is to make a list of the best priced items in a store before you go, gather any coupons you need, and stick to your list. When an item is at its lowest price, (lower than Walmart!) don’t just buy one or two. Buy as many as your family can use in 3-6 months, depending on the shelf life of the item. Stores encourage buying multiple items, evident in the 10 for $10 and even 20 for $10 sales that are becoming more and more popular. By buying a case or more, you can avoid paying full price for that item for a long while. can help you make your grocery lists, easily locate coupons to save you even more, and make you aware of great sales and in-store specials that you would have otherwise missed. PYP contains detailed lists for each store, letting shoppers know where to find the hot deals for the week, with or without coupons. Some sale prices can be combined with coupons from your Sunday paper to get items free or dirt cheap. Significant savings can come from using grocery coupons, and can show you how easy it is to use coupons to your advantage. A team of “professional” bargain shoppers maintain this website, and offer their services free of charge. These bargain shoppers take saving money seriously, and can tell you that WalMart isn’t always the cheapest place in town. Where you shop is a personal decision, but it’s nice to know that we still have choices, and that shopping stores other than WalMart doesn’t have to blow the budget.

How to Build Your Coupon Binder

Ever wondered what’s in one of those massive coupon binders? This video shows how a coupon binder works, and all of the things it can contain. If you have trouble viewing the video in this post, you can also watch it on YouTube.

You can print the price book featured in the video from this page.

Here are the lists of categories referenced in the video.

A few large categories, with smaller sub-categories (thanks to rianacj for this list):

BABY(Diapers, wipes, snacks, baby food, formula)
BREAD/CEREAL (Cereal, granola bars, breakfast foods, breads, chips/crackers, rice/pasta)
CLEANERS(Floor cleaners, dish cleaners, laundry, bathroom, standard, air fresheners)
DAIRY(cheese, butter/oil, yogurt, misc. dairy)
DESSERT(cookies, frozen dessert, cake/brownie mix, fruit/jello/pudding, drinks, candy, baking goods)
MEAT (poultry, lunchmeat, seasonings/sauces, breakfast meat, misc. meat)
MEDICINE (cold/allergy, pain releivers, misc)
MISC (Sauces/salsa/ketcup,canned goods, frozen goods, salads/dressing, Pets, misc foods, misc household)
PAPER GOODS (kleenex/garbage bags, plates/paper towels, toilet paper, foils/wraps/containers)
PERSONAL HYGIENE (Facial cleansers, Body Wash, Lotion, Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, Deodorant, shaving, Makeup, hair care, misc hygiene)

Several small categories (thanks to ahunter1 for this list):

Air freshener
auto care
baby care
bags-kitchen trash
bags-outdoor trash
bags-oven cooking
baking supplies
biscuit mix
bread mix
bread/roll frozen
breakfast food-frozen
breakfast food-misc
cake mix
cat food-bagged
cat food-canned
cereal-cold gen mills
cereal-cold kellogg
cereal-cold misc
cereal-cold nabisco
cereal-cold post
cereal-cold quaker
charcoal starter
cheese spread
chili canned
chinese food
chocolate chips
coating mix
coffee creamer
cookie mix
cooking oil
corn meal
dental floss
diet aids
dinners frozen
dinner mixes
dog food-bagged
dog food-canned
drink mixes
fabric softener
feminine products
gravy mix
hair color
hair care
ice cream
ice cream topping
insect killer
kitchen-house items
light bulbs
mexican food canned
mexican misc
muffin mix
pancake mix
paper cups
paper plates
paper towels
peanut butter
pie crust
pizza mix
plastic wrap
salad toppings
salad dressing-bottle
salad dressing-mix
school supplies
scouring pads
skin care
soap-liquid dish
sour cream
stain remover
stuffing mix
whipped topping

5.00 off 30.00 or More at Albertsons

Albertsons has released a coupon specifically for Pinching Your Pennies! Shelley, our very own Albertsons guru, received a lovely e-mail from them this morning. They wrote:


Albertsons would like to thank you for all the time and effort that goes into helping people save money at Albertsons thru the PYP web site. During the past month Albertsons has been testing a new ad format. We were amazed by the passion and response to the new ad. The feedback was taken seriously and we would like to thank the members for their honest feedback. To show our gratitude Albertsons would like to offer a $5 off $30 coupon for PYP members only.

Thank you.

This coupon is exciting news, not only because it shows that Albertsons appreciates PYP, but more importantly because it shows that Albertsons is paying attention to what its customers are saying. And, of course, it means that we’ll all be saving even more money at Albertsons this week.

PS: In order to avoid any potential difficulty regarding the cashier’s willingness to accept a printable coupon, you might add this copy of Albertsons’ printable coupon policy to your shopping list:

Thank you for contacting Albertsons Customer Care. We received email asking for clarification on our Internet coupon acceptance policy. We have provided this policy below.

Internet Coupons printed from a website are redeemable with a qualifying purchase. Albertsons DOES NOT accept Internet coupons containing the following conditions:

a. ‘Free’ product offers that do not require a purchase
b. Redemption value exceeds $5.00
c. Absence of UPC bar code

Again, thank you for contacting Albertsons Customer Care. If we can provide any information or be of service to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by calling 1-877-932-7948.


Gregg C.
Albertsons Customer Care Representative

PYP Shopping Lists Week of June 1st

Did you know that has FREE printable lists of the best deals at the local grocery stores??!!

My grocery store pick of the week is Albertsons! There is a HUGE Kraft promo that started today. PYP has the COMPLETE list of all the deals.

Albertsons has initiated a new marketing plan. A new ad is being tested in most of Utah County—one of the drastic changes in the new ad is the lack of details about current promo’s. PYP saves the day by providing the info the new ad is missing.

Check out the list by clicking here

NOTE: Many boxes of the Kraft Pasta Salad have .50 peelies!! Final Price: .20!!

How to Organize Your Coupons

Most beginning couponers want ideas for organizing and storing their coupons. This video demonstrates a variety of ways that can work for all schedules and couponing styles.

If you cannot view the video in the screen below, click here to watch it on YouTube.

You Asked for It: Upgrades to PYP’s Price Book

April 9, 2010 Update: The download links should be active. Let me know if there are any problems.

If you’re new to price books, watch this video to learn what they are and how to use them.

There have been even more requests for changes and updates to the PYP price book, so here’s another upgrade. I won’t post any more individual posts on this topic, so for future additions or upgrades, subscribe to the comments on this post or bookmark this post to see what’s new.

Option 1: Full-Sized Price Book (Click here to download the most recently updated version.)
The original price book prints pages that look like this:
Option 2: Half-Sized Price Book (Brand new. Click here to download.)
The new miniature version prints only half-sized pages. This means that you can either print them on half sheets, or print them on full-sized sheets and use the second half to print another price book page. This allows users to carry smaller price books instead of full-sized three-ring binders. All of the updated pages listed below are included in this first version of the half-sized price book.
Important Upgrade: Master price list. At your request, we’ve also added a master price list which lists the basic prices of all the individual sheets in the price book. This is for folks who don’t want to record their own prices, but would still like some base reference points to carry in their purse or pocket. It’s included in both of the books above, or you can download it individually from the upgrade list below.

Additional Pages: These pages have been added to the price book since its original publication. They’re included in the price books above, but if you don’t want to re-download the entire price book, you can download the individual pages below.


The Sky is Falling! Or is it….
Every time I open the newspaper I see headlines about rising food prices. The media is consumed with this subject right now. Yes, prices are rising. Yes, we need to buckle the belt a little tighter. BUT, we can do this without panic and fear driving our purchasing decisions. There was a very good, calming and positive article in today’s Deseret News .

There is no need to panic right now. Yes, we do need to change not only our food purchasing behavior, but also our food consumption behavior. Yes, we do need to take steps to prepare and put away food. And yes, even though we are in the “rainy day” right now, it is not too late to get prepared.

Here are the steps I recommend to get started:

First, make a plan!

  • Sit down and make a list of your families “tried and true” menu’s. We all have those recipes we make over and over. Try to come up with 15-20 menu’s or recipes.
  • From these recipes, write down all the ingredients needed. It is especially helpful to divide this list into non-perishables (pantry staples) and perishables.

That was the hard part! Now you know what items you need to create the meals your family knows and loves. I believe it is crucial to store what you eat and eat what you store. This is called a usable food storage or pantry.

Each week, the staff of goes through the local grocery store ads and creates a FREE list of the best deals at each store. If you are a couponer (and you should be!), the list combines the sales and coupon and gives you a final price. In addition, each deal is rated according to the following system:

***** 5 Star Deal: Best price, time to stock up!!

**** 4 Star Deal: Excellent price, buy several!

*** 3 Star Deal: Average deal, only buy if you are out of this item. Not a stock up price.

** 2 Star Deal: Poor deal, avoid if at all possible!

Now, grab that ingredient list and go through the PYP Grocery Lists and write down what is on sale and corresponds with your list. Stock up according to the above mentioned rating system. I recommend setting aside a portion of your budget for your stock piling purchases. When you are first starting out, you will need to purchase not only your weekly grocery needs, but also your longterm pantry items. But, don’t go overboard! Start slowly and remember, there is always going to be another good deal just around the corner.

The Types of Manufacturer’s Coupons: More Than Just Newspapers!

If you can’t view the video in the screen below, click here to watch it directly in YouTube.

One of the biggest challenges that new couponers face is understanding the wide variety of coupon types, and the lingo that couponers use when discussing these types of coupons. This video shows the different types of manufacturers’ coupons, and demonstrates what they look like, where they’re found, and what terms are used to discuss them on the Internet and in online forums.

The goal of this blog and this video is to help new couponers feel comfortable with coupon terminology, and with recognizing various types of coupons when they see them, so if you have any questions or need anything clarified, please ask. We’re eager and excited to help!

Pinching Your Pennies Printable PriceBook 2.0

Summary: PYP Pricebook 2.0 includes price per oz. calculations, a blank price page, and a price page for premium shampoos.

The feedback for the new Pinching Your Pennies pricebook was fabulous! Your comments, posts on the forums, and PMs to me were excited and exciting. Thank you!

One thing I began to wonder as I looked at the price book was this: the price points are there for specific sizes of items, for instance, a 15 oz. can of Chili, so a person knows that if they find a 15 oz. can for 79 cents, that’s a pretty good deal. But what if a person find a 28 oz. can of chili at Costco for 1.64? How can they easily figure out how good of a price that is?

So, in the Pinching Your Pennies price book 2.0, I’ve added price per unit calculations. Now, instead of just telling you what a three, four, or five star price for a can of 15 oz. chili is, it also tells you how those three, four, and five star prices translate into pennies per oz. Then when you’re confronted with your life-altering Costco chili dilemma, you can do a little math on the Costco chili and find that 2.50/36 (the price divided by the oz.) comes to 5.1 cents per oz. You glance at the price book and realize that that’s a four-star price per oz. Not a bad deal! The price per oz. calculations will help people adapt the price book to their particular shopping styles.

The new price book also includes a blank sheet at the beginning, so that users can print it out and use it for items for which there are no sheets in the price book. It also includes a new price page for premium shampoos like Sunsilk, Pantene, and Pert.

As always if you have any questions, comments or ideas for the price book, feel free to leave a comment. I love your input!

Introducing Pinching Your Pennies’ Free Downloadable Price Book!

One of the most important tools for any frugal grocery shopper is his or her price book. This is particularly important for beginning “frugalites,” and with prices changing so rapidly right now, it’s also important for veteran frugal shoppers. One of the challenges many shoppers face, however, is that it’s hard to get started with nothing but a blank sheet of paper and only a vague idea, if any at all, of what a truly good price on an item is. That’s where Pinching Your Pennies comes in! Using more than three years of experience looking at grocery ads, coupons, and sale prices, Pinching Your Pennies has established price points on over a hundred and fifty of the items shoppers buy the most. We’ve converted these price points into an Excel document that contains preformatted price sheets that are easy to read, easy to print, and easy to use. Just choose the sheets for the items your family buys, print, insert them in your price book (many of us use three-ring binders), and, using Pinching Your Pennies’ price points as a guide, start recording the sales and every day prices you notice around you. You can even pull old grocery receipts out of your pockets and purse to get you started! At Pinching Your Pennies, we’re committed to helping you save your family money, even during these challenging economic times. Download the price book, and we’ll get started now!

Get the best price on perishables and produce…..EVERY WEEK!

Perishables grocery items like meat, dairy, and produce can be budget busters. In the Utah’s Screaming Deals forum at PYP, you’ll find a compiled list of all the best prices on meat, produce, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, bread and more. This list is updated every Wednesday by Tressa, a moderator and volunteer at PYP. She compiles the prices of perishable items from the weekly ads into one list so shoppers can compare prices at a glance and decide which store or stores best fits their needs for the week. The link to the Best Prices on Perishables thread changes weekly, but it can always be found in the Utah’s Screaming Deals forum. This link will take you to the list for the current week.

Kids…. Earn a FREE book from Barnes and Noble! 2008 Summer Reading Program

2008 Summer Reading Program
Here’s How It Works:
1. Kids read any 8 books.
2. Kids use the Summer Reading Journal to tell us their favorite part of each book. A parent/guardian signs it when it’s complete.
3. Children bring their completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store (Store Locator]) between May 29th & September 2nd, 2008.
4. We’ll give them a coupon for a FREE book! They choose from a list of exceptional paperback titles.*
* Eligible books will be listed on the coupon. Choices must be made from eligible stock. No special orders. Limit of 1 form per school-age child (grades 1-6), please. Incomplete forms will be ineligible for free books.

Guess What? Walgreens EasySaver Rebate Submission Now Online!

Walgreens EasySaver ONLINE Rebate Submission has now gone nationwide — Submit your May Rebate ONLINE with no receipts to mail in!

Here’s a few FAQ regarding the online rebate submission… (thanks Kristi from PYP)

  • How can I submit my monthly rebate online?
    You can submit your rebate
    HERE.You’ll need to be registered on their site.
  • Do I need to wait until I’ve done all my shopping to submit my rebate?
    You can add receipts throughout the month, but can still only submit your rebate ONCE. When you get to the final step, the site will warn you of this so you don’t need to worry about accidently going too far into the process and not being able to submit the rest of your rebates.
  • Do I need to send in my receipts if I submit online?
    You don’t need to mail anything if you submit online, but it’s a good idea to keep your receipts until your rebate has been processed. If you need to contact them about a rebate you should’ve received and didn’t they’ll want information from your receipt.
  • Will I still be able to choose my favorite way of receiving my rebate?
    You’ll still have the choice of receiving a new gift card, a check or adding the balance to an existing gift card. Gift cards still receive a 10% bonus.

*Additional tips and weekly deals for Walgreens can be found in the Screaming Deals Around Town forum at

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