UPDATE: As of May 2011 Rite Aid has made some coupon policy changes. You can find them here. Print out the new policy for your coupon binder!
Rite Aid has a great coupon policy! They are coupon friendly and usually very willing to help. Here are all the details. You can also call 1800 Rite Aid to ask questions at any time. They are very helpful.
I recommend printing this policy and keeping it with you in your coupon binder.
Rite Aid gladly accepts manufacturer coupons, Rite Aid coupons and certain Internet/Print at Home coupons in all stores as detailed in these coupon acceptance guidelines:
Multiple Coupons
Buy One, Get One Free Coupons
Internet/Print at Home Coupons
Total Purchase Coupons
Sale Items
Just $19.99 each for Boneless Ham, Turkey Breast, Mini Ham, or Pot Roast entrees with this printable coupon.
Valid at participating stores in AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, LA, MO, MS, NC, NV, OR, SC, TN, UT and Fairview Heights, IL.
Find a store near you at THIS LINK.
Print the coupon at THIS LINK.
– Quality is best maintained in rooms with minimum exposure to light, heat, moisture, and air.
– Store food on shelves or on a raised platform rather than directly in contact with concrete floors or walls.
– Avoid storing items next to certain products such as soaps or fuels; this will prevent the spread of odor and other possible contaminants.
– Of all possible factors, temperature has the largest affect on food storage. Canned goods will store 2 to 3 times longer at 70°F than they will at 90°F.
– Store foods in opaque containers or dark cupboards to cut down on the harmful effects that light can have on your food.
– The moisture in the air can shorten the shelf life of your food. Containers should have airtight seams and lids. If you’d like to guarantee that air won’t come in contact with your food, use duct tape as an additional seal.
– Rotating your food storage into your regular meals is a great idea. Supplementing two meals a week with food storage items will allow for a complete rotation of a year’s food supply every three years. It will also help your family become accustomed to the items you have stored. Shelf Reliance’s Food Rotation Systems makes this goal easier than ever to achieve, and right now, you can save 20% on any system.
Be sure to visit Shelf Reliance to see the newest sale prices for THRIVE Foods and the Food Rotation Systems you’ve been wishing for!
Visit a participating Panda Express and get a FREE single entree serving of Honey Walnut Shrimp. This offer is good for one day only on Wednesday, 3/10. Become a fan of Panda Express on Facebook and your coupon now!
Link to coupon
Leave This Town by Daughtry
4.4 out of 5 stars
Price: $3.99
Album Savings: $11.49 compared to buying all songs
First off…after reading the last Rite Aid post you might be wondering:
Well…that is why PYP is here! We try our best every week to match up the deals for you. We even tell you where to get your coupons and what promos are going on. So to find out all you need to do is check PYP for the weekly Rite Aid post.
I do recommend you read the regulations and monthly details on Rite Aid website for the Single Check Rebate program. Also, double check your local ad as some prices do vary by location. When I shop before I buy I always check that I am buying the right item for the rebate.
Okay. You are on board for wanting to sign up for Rite Aid’s Single Check Rebate Program. It is really easy!
Start by going to their website. This is what it looks like.
Click on where it says, “Sign up for SCR.” Then just fill out the info and you are done! Now every time you enter in receipts when you shop go back to the website and log in to your account.
So lets say you went shopping and you now need to record your receipt. You want those rebates! After you log into your account, you will see a page where you can click on “store” or “online” purchases for receipts. This is what the page looks like when you enter a store receipt:
After you fill out the information, you click the button, “enter receipt.” SO EASY, huh!
That’s it! In a few days you will get an email from Rite Aid telling you if you submission was accepted for the rebate. You can look up your rebate status anytime online in your account.
After you are done rebate shopping for the month, you can request your check be mailed to you, which only takes 2-3 weeks! I have never had a problem with my check in 6 years of doing the SCR system. It always comes.
Plus, if you are also participating in extra Rite Aid promos, like the P&G promo or the Gift of Savings (where you can get more money back if you purchase a certain amount of certain items) you will see those totals in your account too.
Rite Aid also has a Video Values Program. You sign up (its free) and watch quick advertisements to earn credits for printing store coupons. When you earn 20 credits you can print off a $5 off $20 purchase coupon! You can do this every month.
I encourage you to sign up for the Single Check Rebate program now! The only thing you are losing is money!
Tomorrow I will post Rite Aid’s Official Coupon Policy.
With four major earthquakes occurring around the world in the last two months (three of them just in the last 2 weeks, and one of those just yesterday), emergency preparation has probably been on quite a few minds recently. I even heard a spot from our state’s governor on the radio yesterday letting everyone know of our state’s preparedness web site and other resources.
One of the main things that is suggested on most of the government and community preparation web sites is to have an emergency “kit” (sometimes called a 72-hour kit or a bug-out bag) for each member of the family, that contains items that would be useful in possible emergency situations.
There are many options for kits out there – you can purchase pre-assembled kits, you can make your own, or you can do a combination of both. As an aspiring “frugalista”, I really wanted to make my own because I was pretty sure I could do it for pretty cheap, and doing my own meant I could customize it for my family’s needs.
As I’ve done research on this, I’ve found so many lists of suggested items, and so many ideas. But I also found that it’s easy to get bogged down in trying to plan for every possible scenario. It can become overwhelming, and it’s hard to not get stalled in our efforts or abandon our plans all together because of the perceived complexity of the whole endeavor.
I’m a firm believer in the idea that ANY preparation is better than no preparation at all. So I wanted to find a way to put together a bare-bones, bare-basics kit that wouldn’t cost much money and could be thrown together in a matter of a few minutes so that it would be done and ready should the need ever arise.
In an emergency situation, the top priorities are water, wound care and sanitation/hygiene. You can go a few days without food. You can go for weeks without a shower or brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair if you had to (no, it wouldn’t be pretty, and it might be downright miserable, but you’d at least survive).
But you CAN’T go for very long without water. And if you happen to get a wound (which is quite likely in an emergency) and it gets infected and is untreated, you just plain WON’T be able to go for very long – period.
With that in mind, I rummaged through my house to come up with the items that I felt were a bare-minimum for an emergency kit. These are kind of the essentials for sustaining or preserving life. Here’s what I came up with:
small backpack
bottled water [it’s not the recommended 3 gallons, but it’s certainly better than nothing, and you can add more if space and weight allow]
assorted adhesive bandages
antiseptic wash (or alcohol wipes or iodine)
antibiotic ointment
otc pain relievers
any prescription meds you take on a daily basis
food for 1 day [I just grabbed 6 granola/nut bars – convenient, no cooking required, and could be easily rationed if needed]
bar of soap
roll of toilet paper
(for the gals) feminine hygiene products
[If you have a young child, you might want to include a baby blanket, cloth or disposable diaper(s) and possibly a bottle and formula]
It took me about 15 minutes to gather all these items. There was still about 6 inches of room at the top of the backpack, and even with the water bottle included, the entire pack only weighed 5lb 10oz. It was fast, cheap (all items came from around my house already) and lightweight.
Remember, this is not a deluxe version. This is just a quick put-together kit that you can do on the cheap that will get you started. But even this bare-basics kit will still get you a lot farther in an emergency situation than having no kit at all.
Of course, the idea is that you can then add to and customize your kit as time and finances and circumstances allow. There are many more things you might want to add if space and weight will allow. But even if you don’t add anything else, at least you’ll have something put together should the need ever arise (but hopefully it won’t).
Here’s a quick list of other things you might want to add on (and this is by no means an exhaustive list):
trash bag/rain poncho
copies of important documents (birth certificates, IDs, contact information, etc.)
additional first aid supplies
change of clothes and additional cold weather items (hat, gloves, etc.)
additional personal hygiene items (shampoo, toothpaste, wet wipes, razor, etc.)
knife or survival tool
additional food
solar blanket
water purification tablets or water filtering device
hand sanitizer
I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions on emergency kits or other things you’ve done to “get prepared”.
[For additional resources, check out www.ready.gov or www.fema.gov/areyouready.]
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PYP has recently launched a few Facebook groups to aid in sharing deals on a more local level. If you live in one of these areas, be sure to become a Fan! We also recommend becoming a fan of PinchingYourPennies.com on Facebook, for lots of great national and online deals. We’re closing in on 25,000 fans!
California Shopping Secrets Facebook group Northern and Southern California deals
Colorado Shopping Secrets Facebook group Colorado deals
Idaho Shopping Secrets Facebook group Idaho deals
Nevada Shopping Secrets Facebook group Nevada deals
Oregon Shopping Secrets Facebook group Oregon deals
Utah Shopping Secrets Facebook group Utah deals
Washington Shopping Secrets Facebook group Washington deals
Wyoming Shopping Secrets Facebook group Wyoming deals
SavingMoneyinAZ.com Facebook group – Arizona deals
PinchingYourPennies.com Facebook group – mostly freebies and national and online deals.
You can easily freeze cheese in your freezer, so if you find that killer deal on cheese, or if you are like me and you scavenge the discount bins and are buying cheese close to the best before date, you can easily freeze it for use later.
If you are using cheese for cheese sauce, pasta noodles, etc, grate the cheese first, and then freeze in either a freezer bag or with your food saver. As it freezes, remove it from the freezer a few times to shake it, so the cheese doesn’t stick together as it freezes. This way, you can grab just as much cheese as you need.
Note: did you know that the “cheese companies” put additives in the shredded cheese to make it not stick together? YUCK!
If you would like to freeze it in blocks, do note that the cheese will change texture slightly. So it will be fine for grilled cheese, for example, but not as good for cheese and crackers. Wrap the cheese well in foil or plastic wrap, wrapping as tightly as possible to prevent air reaching the cheese. Then place in a bag, squeezing as much air as possible.
Plan to use frozen cheese within 4 to 6 months. Thaw cheese in the refrigerator. Use soon after thawing.
The cheeses that freeze best are brick, Camembert, cheddar, Edam, mozzarella, muenster, Parmesan, provolone, Romano and Swiss. Blue cheeses are more prone to becoming crumbly but they’ll still taste good. Cream cheese and cottage cheese do not freeze well.
Is shopping at Rite Aid worth the time? If you ask me, I would answer YES! I save so much money by shopping there. Instead of buying hygiene items, medicine, and other necessities at Walmart I spend much less shopping at Rite Aid!
It’s true that most items have rebates, which means you pay out of pocket for items first then submit for the rebate later. But let me show you how easy Rite Aid’s system is. It is all done online. No forms to fill out, nothing to mail. It is fast, easy to understand and you get your rebate in 2-3 weeks after requesting it!
Rite Aid’s rebate program is called Single Check Rebates. Each month they put out a rebate schedule. It explains what dates you need to purchase the items, and which items qualify for the rebate. Most times you can only get one rebate per offer per household.
But here is the key to maximizing your savings:
You combine the monthly rebates with coupons & sale prices, PLUS additional rebates from manufacturer’s.
It really works!
Rite Aid has store coupons you can combine with manufacturer coupons to get more for your money. They also have $5 off $25, $5 off $20, and $3 off $15 purchase coupons to use periodically.
For example, through January and February I purchased certain items for the monthly rebates. BUT many of those items also qualified for current manufacturer rebates out there like Olay and the P&G promo from Rite Aid.
Here is an example of one of my purchases last month.
Total spent out of pocket after coupons: $16.32
Then I submitted for the $15 Olay rebate. So I almost broke even on that trip!
Making sense?
Last fall and this past winter Rite Aid had a Gift of Savings program. If you spent $51 in their store you got $10 back. This was another way to capitalize on getting ahead. That $50 total is before coupons…..so that is why it makes such a difference! And that promo was in addition to the Single Check Rebates!
If you start shopping at Rite Aid you will be floored how much you can get for so little money. In a few days I will show you how much I was able to get through January and February for only $15!
Tomorrow I will show you how to get going in the Rite Aid Single Check Rebates Program!
1. FREE shipping on any $10 order at Avon.com! Great Easter Basket Ideas!
2. Cuisinart Immersion Hand Blender $32.50 shipped at Amazon.com!
3. Alice.com. Great prices on household supplies and FREE shipping!
4. Pre-order Mockingjay for $8.50 plus shipping at Amazon.com!
5. Current Generation Refurbished iPod Touch now available at AppleStore.com!
6. Free 20-Page Large Hardcover Photo Book at Picaboo.com! New Customers ONLY! Shipping is $8.99
7. 140 FREE address labels from VistaPrint.com! Shipping is about $3.00. Design your own labels!
8. Denny’s Unlimited Pancakes or French Fries ~ with entree purchase of $2.50 or more
Good through March.
9. 32nd Annual Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s! March 23rd from 12 noon – 8pm
10. $10 Disney Ponyo Blu-ray coupon: Save $10.00 with purchase of Ponyo Blu-ray Combo Pack.
Visit our sister site – Real Mom Kitchen. Laura shops the PYP way and then turns her bargains into real meals. Get a great deal on chicken? Plug “chicken” into the search box at Real Mom Kitchen and see tried and true recipes your family will love.
The link to Real Mom Kitchen is in the navigation area of the PYP blog/home page, and also in the navigation bar above the PYP forums. When you’re stumped for ideas, check Real Mom Kitchen first!
Just a sampling of what you’ll find:
Bowtie Chicken Pasta Salad
Chicken Caesar Pita Wraps
One Hour Wheat Bread
Black Bean Taco Salad
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
Click on the store of your choice at THIS LINK.
Or here are the direct links:
link (Kroger)
link (Smith’s)
link (King Soopers)
link (Frys Food)
link (Bakers Plus)
link (City Market)
link (Dillons)
link (Fred Meyer)
link (Gerbes)
link (Hilander)
link (JayCFoods)
link (Owens Market)
link (Pay-Less)
link (qfc)
link (Ralphs)
You can play each day in March.
Once a participant has won two Instant Win prizes, no further Instant Win prizes will be awarded to that Participant. However, additional log ins will result in additional Sweepstakes Grand Prize drawing entries.
Here is the list of prizes:
50 Grand Prizes: Pop-A-Shot machines
California Pizza Kitchen Pizza
Coke Zero 20 oz.
Oscar Mayer Meat Hot Dogs
Kraft Naturals Chunks & Shreds 8oz
Oscar Mayer Basic Lunchables
Kraft Snacking Cheese
Planters 16oz Peanuts
Maxwell House Coffee
Reese’s King Size Peanut Butter Cups (4)
$5.00 Off Coupon
Hormel party tray
Bucket wings
Coke 2 Liter
Private Selection pizzas