Just one of the awesome tools here at PYP…ready-made shopping lists. We scour grocery ads to find the best deals at many of your favorite stores, and match them with available coupons. Check the list below and see if you find your favorite store!
Idaho Albertson’s |
Arizona Basha’s |
Need something to do while kids are home during Winter break?
Remember, admission to Hogle Zoo is free on Wednesday, Dec. 30 as part of the zoo’s wintertime “Wild Wednesdays” promotion.
This is a HOT deal, given the fact that regular admission is $9 for adults, $7 for seniors and $7 for children ages 3 to 12. (Children under the age of 3 are free.) Other free days this winter include: Jan. 27 and Feb. 24
Remember to stop and say ‘hi’ to the zoo’s newest member, Zuri the baby elephant.
Please Note: This is the third article (3 of 4) in a series about post Holiday clearance shopping. Part 1 & Part 2
When I teach coupon classes, the most requested non-coupon question(s) I receive is about Target and Target clearance shopping, in particular. What I am about to share can and will save you lots of money, not to mention is actually fun.
(I will cover day-to-day Clearance shopping at Target in another article as I want to keep this one focused on Christmas shopping, solely.)
Many retail stores are unpredictable, disorganized and plain boring when it comes to Christmas markdowns, but NOT Target. And that is what helps make its clearance one of the most shopped around.
Why Target Christmas Clearance is the best around:
Target Holiday markdowns are chain wide and happen automatically in the computer system. This automation allows Target shoppers in Utah or California to know if Holiday clearance has been lowered to 75% or 90% off as shoppers in Florida who have experienced the sale, will share on Pinching Your Pennies (PYP) the great news about lower prices and greater savings, not to mention some of the hidden gems found. Members of PYP are awesome to do this and share the great news. So be sure to visit PYP’s Screaming Deals Around Town sub-forum each morning to see the latest updates.
Rumored Markdown Dates of Christmas Clearance:
*Dec 26- Jan1- 50%
*Jan 2- Jan 6- 75%
*Jan 7- 90%
Seasoned Targeteers know that Target Christmas Clearance won’t be just in the seasonal area.
– Be sure to check around the entire store.
– Check all endcaps
– Check in each aisle
– When in doubt, scan!
– Combine sales/clearances with manufacturer’s or Target store coupons when one gets the chance. See Target.com printable coupons. This year, there are Target.com coupons for candy that can save one even more money.
Unexpected Christmas Clearance items found throughout the store from years past.
Check it all. Every aisle.
Anything with a holiday box, label, wrapping, of any sort.
Christmas candies, cookies, gift pack food.
Print the candy coupons so you are armed and ready!
The gift packs of lotions and potions.
Hair ribbons, bow, headbands, barrettes etc.
Seasonal pet clothes.
Holiday gift packs or Santa stocking with chews, toys etc.
Holiday sheets, table cloths, napkins, table runners, placemats, napkin rings etc.
Holiday bath towels, kitchen towels, mitts, etc.
Holiday throws, pillows, doormats.
House wares:
Dinnerware, glassware, serving pieces
Kids plastic dinnerware
Tabletop kitchen appliances like the roaster oven.
Shirts, pajamas, t-shirts.
Robes, house shoes.
***ALSO – boxed seasonal gifts in tins or the red pre-priced boxes.
Socks, mittens, scarves, gloves, totes, wallets, belts etc.
All sorts of costume jewelry! Possibly even Christmas watches.
Large stand-up jewelry boxes are usually on clearance.
Paper Goods:
Plates, napkins, also while there, go around the corner and look for candles.
Christmas photo albums, scrap booking kits etc.
Christmas cards
All Christmas decorations, trees, wrapping, ribbons, outdoor decorations.
Outdoor electrical extension cords, light hanging clips, etc.
Christmas Clearance is but one type of clearance shopping at Target. Later, I will address the best methods of Clearance shopping at Target on a daily basis. And yes, one could clearance shop there everyday and find great bargains.
Here are the best deals at Rite Aid this week. You can earn a $5 off $20 printable coupon by watching Rite Aid Video Values. The coupon can only be printed once from each account. Head on over to the Rite Aid thread to read about more weekly deals and discussion.
Oral B Cross Action Power Brush $5
Use Oral-B Battery or Rechargeable Power Toothbrush, any including CrossAction Power, Power Whitening, Power Rechargeable or Anti-Microbial Bristle Protection or Oral-B Pro-Health $3/1 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
Get a $2 Single Check Rebate
Final Price: FREE after coupon and rebate!
SoyJoy Bars 5 for $3
Get a $3 Single Check Rebate on 5
Final Price: FREE after rebate!
Herbal Essences Shampoo or Conditioner or Stylers $2.99
Use the free coupon from the P&G mailer if you signed up for it
Final Price: FREE after coupon!
Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste $2.49
Use Crest Premium Toothpaste, any 4 oz. or larger MultiCare, Extra Whitening, Whitening Expressions, Whitening plus Scope, Vivid White Sensitivity, Pro Health or .85 oz. Weekly Clean $1/1 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
Get a $1 Single Check Rebate
Final Price: .49 cents after coupon and rebate!
DayQuil or Nyquil $4.99
Use Vicks product, any except NyQuil or DayQuil .55/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Get a $2 Single Check Rebate
Final Price: $1.49 after coupon and rebate!
Pantene Shampoo Conditioners & Stylers 2/$6
Use Pantene product, any excluding trial size $3/2 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
Final Price: 2/$3 after coupons and rebate!
Prilosec OTC, 42 ct $24.99
Use Prilosec OTC, any size $3/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Get a $3 Single Check Rebate
Final Price: $15.99 after coupon and rebate!
Airborne $5.99
Use Airborne Product, any $1/1 (1-18-10) SS-12/6
Get a $2 Single Check Rebate
Final Price: $2.99 after coupon and rebate!
Kotex $2.99
Get a $2 Single Check Rebate
Final Price: .99 after rebate!
CoverGirl Cosmetics B1G1 Free (excluding lash blast mascara & simply ageless makeup)
Use CoverGirl and Olay Simply Ageless Product, any $2/1 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
CoverGirl Product, any $1/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Get a $2 Single Check Rebate (valid only on the covergirl liquid & powder clean makeup)
Final Price: Varies, but it will most likely be a great deal
Olay Skin & Bath Care But 1 Get 2nd 50% off
Use any of the following coupons:
Olay Body Lotion FREE when you buy any Olay Body Wash, excludes trial size (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Olay body Wash, Bar Soap, In-Shower Body Lotion or hand and Body Lotion, any excluding 30mL size $1/1 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
Olay Definity Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, any excluding trial size $3/1 (1-31-10) RP-12/13
Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, any excluding tirla size $1/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, any excluding trial size $1/1 (1-31-10) RP-12/13
Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, any excluding trial size $1/1 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
Olay Professional Pro-X Product, any excluding trial size $5/1 (1-31-10) PG-12/27
Olay Regenerist Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, any excluding trial size $3/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Final Price: Varies (don’t forget about the Olay lotion rebate deal to use with this!)
Get $5 back when you spend $25 on the following P&G Products:
Charmin bath tissue, 12 big rolls, & Bounty Paper Towels, 8 roll pk, $6.49
Pringles 4/$5
Tide, 100 oz $10.99
Duracell $9.99
Use the following coupons:
Pringles cans, any 180g or larger $1/4 (12-31-09) RP-11/15
Duracell CopperTop batteries, any 4-pack or larger AA or AAA or any size C, D, or 9V, or PowerPix and Ultra Advanced or Ultra Photo Lithium .75/1 (12-31-09) SS-11/22
Duracell CopperTop batteries, any 4-pack or larger AA or AAA or any size C, D, or 9V, or PowerPix and Ultra Advanced or Ultra Photo Lithium .75/1 (1-31-10) RP-12/13
Charmin $1/1 from the P&G mailer or the P&G green booklet
Bounty $1/1 from the P&G green booklet
Pringles $1/1 from the P&G green booklet
Tide, $1/1 from the P&G green booklet
ExperCom has several macs on sale up to $600 this week as part of its after christmas sale:
24″ 2.93GHz iMac with AppleCare $1399
As part of its After Christmas Sale, ExperCom offers the 24″ iMac 2.93GHz 4GB/640GB/SuperDrive bundled with three years of AppleCare for $1399 LINK
15″ 2.93GHz with AppleCare $2099
As part of its After Christmas Sale, ExperCom offers the 15″ MacBook Pro 2.93GHz 4GB/320gb (7200rpm) with SuperDrive bundled with three years of AppleCare for $2099 LINK
Mac Pro 4-core 8GB $2499
As part of its After Christmas Sale, ExperCom offers the Mac Pro 4-core 2.66GHz upgraded to 8GB RAM and 640GB hard drive for $2499 LINK
iMac Quad $2522
As part of its After Christmas Sale, ExperCom offers the iMac 27″ Quad i7 2.8GHz upgraded to 8GB RAM and a 2TB hard drive for $2522 LINK
Prices available while supplies last or through 12/31/09; prices not valid on previous purchases.
image 1~ Winter snowglobes made from Christmas tree ornaments bought for pennies on Holiday clearance.
I am looking for some fun ideas. Do you have unique techniques or ideas on how to use leftover Christmas items or things purchased for cheap during Holiday clearance to make them seem non-Christmas? Do you buy every candy cane on post Christmas clearance because you are the one that makes Valentine hearts out of them?
Any other creative uses for Holiday decorations? wrapping paper? ANY other thing?
I want to know what your ideas are! To make life more fun and help someone get more bang for their buck during this Holiday clearance season; I will be offering a $10 Target GC to the most creative/fun use of Christmas themed items and it will be featured in an upcoming blog.
*Please note that all ideas must be submitted by 10 PM MST Monday night (12/28).
Check out this thread on PYP for details.
Please note: This is the second article (2 of 4) in a series about post Holiday clearance shopping.
Grab the keys and let’s hit the mall. Not! Unless you want to spend more money, take more time and simply be more frustrated. It is time to prepare for your shop before you leave home.
Clearance Shopping Guidelines
1. Familiarize yourself with the Bargain Huntress Holiday Clearance Rules.
2. Check out Pinching Your Pennies forums. Thismust stop on the internet will help you save time and money. There are over 60,000 registered members across the country, and it is nice to have all the extra sets of eyes doing research at stores and sales for you.
*Check out the Screaming Deals around Town to see what % off savings you can expect today (and decide if you want to wait for a higher saving %).
*Check out Your State forum to see if there is a Must -Have hidden gem in your neck of the woods.
*Check out your Favorite store’s thread (Target is mine, for example) to see what deals you might have missed, but now know to keep your eyes peeled for when you hit the store.
*Check out Printing Pennies for HOT Printable Coupons that might match with a hot clearance sale item. A great example would be $1 off Emerald or Diamond Nuts. Many nut gift baskets are at low clearance prices and a coordinated $1 off coupon would make for a great double play!
*Have a particular item you are searching for? Use the Find a Penny forum to get assistance in finding that $20 Christmas tree you are searching for, but cannot find at your local Big Lots. Others in nearby cities can check out their stores for you!
*Check out Screaming Deals Online forum. Many online retailers are having clearance sales, too. The staff at PYP are the best deal finders on the net, and you don’t want to miss out on some great gifts with savings of 75% or more.
3.Go shopping by yourself, if possible. And try not to bring your children. If you bring the kids, you have added items that you do NOT want into your cart and it is very easy to get frustrated, faster.
Here’s an idea that might work for you… A good friend & I trade off clearance shopping days- one baby-sits while the other shops, then the next day we trade. Our kids have fun play dates and we get a day of Clearance Shopping by ourselves!
4. Remember that there is more to Christmas clearance shopping than leftover bows, tinsel and wrapping paper. Bath sets, Desk sets, and other unique gift items that you do not see at your store throughout the rest of the store are most likely Holiday clearance.
5. Be creative when shopping Holiday sales. Have a girl friend who loves to scrapbook? Look for Christmas scrap booking items that probably are on clearance. Continue to purchase Holiday themed clearanced supplies for your friend (I would wait til 90% off) and when it is time for her birthday, you have a unique and fun present that didn’t cost you much.
6. Have a person in mind when buying non-Holiday clearance items. This will prevent you from overbuying bath sets AND maintains control over your budget.
7. Limit how many stores you will shop. This may seem obvious, but try to stick to a few stores, even one mall, to maximize your shopping time and minimize wear & tear on you. If you focus on one or two stores, say Target, you can patiently wait for items to be marked down to a lower price in a few days (as it will be. See tomorrow’s blog entry for some golden Target clearance information)
8. Check out the store’s website for any information about sales, printable coupons and rebates to add to your savings.
9. Sign up for your favorite store’s newsletter and store loyalty rewards cards. Many times, you will be the first to hear about sales and rebates and new coupons. Bath & Bodyworks do this all the time. For example.
10. Get a Store Charge Card. (Disclaimer: I am NOT advocating using credit or going into debt simply to shop Holiday Clearance sales.) Please let me start by saying that I do not have store charge cards that I use, nor carry a balance. However, store card holders can receive special coupons and discount cards/codes that the general public cannot use. Kohl’s is the best example of this.
11. Get to know Target & its Clearance system. This is a whole entry unto itself and you will see it Monday morning. (This is one of my most requested shopping secrets)
12. Get creative with cheap clearance items. This is another blog entry, too. Stay tuned for some fun & unique ideas about Christmas clearance on Tuesday morning.
If you use the above ideas while Holiday Clearance shopping, you will maximize your monetary and time investment while minimizing stress & frustration. Happy Shopping!
Please Note: This is the first article (1 of 4) in a series about post Holiday clearance shopping.
Now that the official day of Christmas is past, another tradition for many is here…After Christmas Shopping! But like anything, one can go overboard. When my husband gets worried that I may clearance shopping a bit excessively, all he has to do is say Dog Food and quickly, I am back to reality. Why dog food? 3 years ago, I purchased about 15 cans of dog food because they were free. Fine, except we don’t have a dog. (Yes, I did donate the food to my local shelter). And unless I get/can do a good deed for FREE, I don’t anymore.
So here are some common sense guidelines while getting that Bargain Shopper’s Rush.
Bargain Shopping Huntress Rules
1. Budget a set dollar amount that is your spending total. This may sound too simple, but it never is a good idea to go shopping with money you already have spent on fixed budget items, including house & car payment or grocery food funds. Also, do not use credit cards to pay for clearance items. It never makes sense to acquire debt and pay interest on money saving items. Once you know how much to spend, you are literally free to have fun.
2. Have a list or outline of items you are interested in purchasing. If you want to replace your Christmas tree, for example, write it down or you can easily forget to buy that tree when you find Bath Sets for $1.49 each, instead.
3. Include upcoming holidays and family/friends’ birthdays on your list. My Mom’s birthday is in March, and I know that she like “”Ghirardelli” chocolates. In past years, Target has had this candy included in its Christmas clearance. So I will wait till Target’s Holiday clearance is 75% or 90% off , so I am paying as little as $ .29 each for a few bags of Mom’s favorite candy.
4. Don’t promise others that you will shop for them. (This may make some upset, but I strongly believe that your time and resources are too valuable! ) Remember you are the one taking the time to hit the sales, hunt out the bargains and invest YOUR funds. Don’t lend your budgeted money for someone else., and please don’t rationalize or be guilted into doing this. (What if your friend changes her mind, too?)
5. Allot a window of time usage for clearance items. If I am not going to be using something, giving sale item as a gift or a child will not be wearing clothes within 6 months, I do NOT buy it. Of course, there is the exception of Holiday decorations.
6. Be honest with yourself. This can be the hardest, but the most important strategy to follow. I can rationalize ANYTHING. Take the dog food for example, I needed it because I told myself that we were discussing getting a new family pet. Problem? You bet! My son and I are allergic to dogs, But did I justify to myself to buy the cans of food? Sure did and I bet you can, too.
7. Be honest with others. This has potential to be the hardest rule of the all. If you cannot look your partner in the eyes after shopping or you find yourself forgetting to mention how much you spent, you have a problem. Simply follow the above guidelines and your spouse or significant other will be proud and in awe of your shopping prowess. Beats hiding receipts, bags and packages. Dishonesty is not worth any shoppers’ high. (and I’ll leave it at that)
Use the above strategies and you will save yourself (more) money and time. But more importantly, your deal hunting will be more fun, too.
From the home page, click on the banner you see above. It’s in the middle of the page.
The top 3 options are custom headphones. You can decide what color each section will be and design your own.
Custome NervePipes
Was: $34.99
Now: $17.49
After 15% off code $12.25 shipped!
Custom Fallouts
Was: $34.99
Now: $17.49
After 15% off code $12.25 shipped!
Custom Flow
Was: $19.99
Now: $9.99
After 15% off code $7.00 shipped!
Use code: pyp to get an additional 15% off!
After adding one of the above items to your cart, you will be offered the option to buy this:
Earpollution Plugz Brown
Earbud Color: – Brown/Blue
Was $14.99
Now $3.99
After 15% off code: $1.73
*Buy 1, Get 1 Free promo…With a your first paid photo, create a second photo absolutely free – you can download them both instantly upon payment! No delays.
This is so easy, anyone can do it!
Step 1.) Take a picture of your living room, your fireplace, your Christmas tree, or any other location where you’d like to catch Santa in the act. Upload your picture on CaptureTheMagic.com.
Step 2.) Select a Santa of your choice at CaptureTheMagic.com. and use the tools provided to drag and drop the image into your picture. There are many tools to customize Santa – resize, rotate, blur, and more.
Step 3.) Once you’re happy with the appearance of your photo, click “Add to Cart.” Don’t forget to add a second photo, because it’s FREE. Each additional photo after the first 2 is .99. Continue through checkout and pay for your purchase. You will be able to download your photo instantly. You can then print it out with a photo printer, or upload it to a photo printing service to have a print made. You then have a fantastic keepsake that your family will treasure for years.
Tip from PYP members who have done this: Take the photo after Santa puts the gifts out on Christmas Eve, or next to the empty plate of cookies, then print it with your printer. Your kids will be so surprised on Christmas morning!
CaptureTheMagic.com LINK
Need a last minute gift? Here are 3 great ideas!
~ Stores with online ordering and in-store pick-up. Get your gifts without having to shop through the crowded stores!
Best Buy
~ Stores with printable or email delivered gift certificates
~ Give the gift of a magazine subscription. For the gift you could buy and wrap a current copy of the magazine and put a note inside stating they are getting a subscription.
BestDealMagazines.com ~ Use code PINCHPENNIES15 to take an extra 15% off most titles
Magazines.com ~ offer email notification or e-gift certificate too
Click here to view two magical photos that you may download and use for free. Blank photos are available as well so you can customize the signature. Santa can leave this on the table next to the milk and cookies the kids left for him. These free photos are brought to you by Capturethemagic.com, the same site that allows you to take photos of your home, roof, or Christmas tree, and insert Santa into them as proof that he visited your home. See this blog post for more information.
Check out Real Mom Kitchen for some great holiday recipes – from party food and creative dips, to breakfast on Christmas morning. www.RealMomKitchen.com
iPhone 3G & 3G[S] Clear Top – many colors to choose from
Was $19.99
Now $9.99 (Add to cart to see discount)
Use the 30% off code below and it takes the price down to $4.00 + $2.49 shipping = $6.49 shipped!
Use code ifrogzfollowing for an additional 30% off the entire site. TODAY ONLY!
Free shipping over $30.00 (The $30 is before promos, so you can actually spend much less!)
2 day shipping $5.00.