There are some great freebies (both products and events) happening right now. Thought it best to simply list them.

*Remember TODAY is the Disneyland Train stop in UT, Ogden Depot from 9-7. Details.

*Wednesday is FREE Arbys night (all summer long)! This week’s featured item is Free Regular Sidekickers® with any sandwich purchase Details.

*FREE 20 oz Orange Julius with internet cpn on Friday, June 19th. Details.

*FREE Gallon of NAPA Washer Fluid ~ ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY with internet cpn. Thanks Dewey! Details.

*Coupon for Free Seattle’s Best Coffee Drink at Borders! Ends 6/18. Coupon states it is good for a 12 oz drink, incl. Italian sodas. (Check with your local store for details/participation) Discussion.

*FREE Godiva Chocolate by joining their rewards program. Details.

*TCBY is offering a FREE cup/cone to Dad on Father’s Day, 6/21. Details.

*FREE 90 Calorie Granola/Snack bar from Details.

What other freebies are there this week?

FREE Godiva Choclolate!

There’s nothing like a little free chocolate to pick a girl up! anon.

Sign up for Godiva’s e-mail rewards club and you’re entitled to a free treat every month when you go by your local Godiva boutique. (Please note there is only one boutique in UT- at Fashion Place Mall in Murray. See store locator for other locations (vacation OR for the rest of the PYP family outside of Utah. (please check with each individual location to see if participating)

True, the idea is to get you into the store once a month, but there’s no purchase necessary to pick up your free chocolate. If you do succumb, however, you’ll get another free gift each month that you spend more than $10. Plus club members get free standard shipping on one online orders. Sweet!

Snowbird hosts FREE Get Outdoors day tomorrow 6.13

Thanks for friend Mary for e-mailing this tidbit to me.

Great family day at Snowbird! Have fun outdoors and for the .

..Second Annual National Get Outdoors Day. Children 18 and under receive a free Aerial Tram ride and a free session on the four-station climbing wall and Kid’s Inflatables. Additional summer activities will be operating from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., conditions permitting.

See PYP discussion thread.

From press release:

2009-05-29 — Snowbird To Host National Get Outdoors Day June 13


SNOWBIRD, UTAH – Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort joins over 50 sites across the nation to participate in the Second Annual National Get Outdoors Day, Saturday, June 13, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Presented by the U.S. Forest Service and American Recreation Coalition, National Get Outdoors Day will highlight outdoor recreation opportunities provided by various local and national land management agencies and other outdoor recreation organizations and outfitters.

Children 18 and under can visit booths featuring Smokey Bear, Utah State Parks information, Wasatch Adaptive Sports, Girl Scouts and other exhibitors, and have specialty cards stamped to receive a free Aerial Tram ride and a free session on Snowbird’s four-station climbing wall and Kid’s Inflatables.

Snowbird summer activities will also kick off on June 13, including the new Wasatch Mining Company Gemstone Mine, Peruvian Chairlift and Tunnel, Alpine Slide, four-station climbing wall, ZipRider, Bungy Trampoline, Mechanical Bull and Kid’s Inflatables. Hours of operation will be 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and activities may be limited. Snowbird is currently offering Aerial Tram rides to foot passengers daily from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. (and beginning at 8 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays).

In addition, Snowbird will be offering skiing and riding on the Aerial Tram and Little Cloud Lift Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through June 14 at a discounted ticket price of $49. Visit for details.

WHAT: Second Annual National Get Outdoors Day. Children 18 and under receive a free Aerial Tram ride and a free session on the four-station climbing wall and Kid’s Inflatables. Additional summer activities will be operating from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., conditions permitting.

WHO: U.S. Forest Service and State Parks representatives, including Smokey Bear, Coleman, American Land and Leisure, Wasatch Adaptive Sports, Cottonwood Canyons Foundation, Utah Bureau of Land Management, Girl Scouts, AmeriCorps, Utah Society for Environmental Education and Utah Federation for Youth.

WHERE: Snowbird Center Plaza Deck, Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort. Take Little Cottonwood Canyon Road to Snowbird Entry 2.

WHEN: Saturday, June 13, 2009. Event runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Reminder…visit Nat’l Parks for FREE this summer (select dates)

Thanks to PYP member bowlamand for bringing this to PYP’s members attention.

PYP thread to disucss details.


America’s Best Idea – the national parks – gets even better this summer with three fee-free weekends at more than 100 national parks that usually charge entrance fees*.

Mark your calendars for fee-free weekends this summer:

June 20-21, 2009 (Father’s Day weekend)
July 18-19, 2009
August 15-16, 2009

More details about how to save inside the park are included, too.

Disneyland comes to Utah!

My apologies to Seabrz57, supermod of PYP for starting a thread about this.

But, I hadn’t seen this on the forums at PYP, but is worth a shout out! Tuesday June 16th, Disneyland Christmas Carol Train is stopping in Ogden. Check out Union Station from 9 AM to 7 PM for FREE Disney magic and fun. Yes, this is a promotion to promote the upcoming Disney 3-D Christmas Carol, but who cares? It sounds like a lot of fun…for FREE! See you there!

Other Uses for Everyday Items

I came across an online article at Real Simple that discusses Other Uses for Everyday Household Items.

From using excess Post-Its for bookmarks & playing Tic-Tac-Toe or Rubber Bands to dye Easter Eggs, a recurring thought came to my mind, what alternative uses of things from my Food Storage/Stockpile are there? Here are a few of MY ideas:

Kool-Aid. I use the lemonade flavored packets to clean my dishwasher. The citric acid does wonders on stains. (I know this idea may NOT be new, but my mom taught me this oldie, but goodie)OR

Use Kool-Aid packets to dye Easter Eggs or tye die stained white shirts. Follow standard procedures. Seems I’m not the only one who has too much Kool-Aid on hand. Here’s some great ideas! My favorite is the Kool-Aid lipgloss.

FREE Conditioner. IF you are like many PYP’ers, you have extra shampoo or conditioner in your stockpile. I don’t know who taught me this (sorry for not giving proper credit), but I used conditioner instead of shaving cream to shave my legs. It leaves legs smooth and IF you forget to use lotion afterwards, you don’t get ash leg. OR

Mom’s frugal hint…take a wet washcloth, add a dollop of hair conditioner into rag, instant cheap fabric softener!

Salad Dressing. You may alreday do this, but ALL my pasta salads use salad dressing (instead of homemade…SHH!) and I get rave reviews at potlucks. Favorites to use include: Kens Vidalia Onion & Kens Creamy Ceasar. Also, I know some marinade meats in salad dressing.

Toothpaste. This is more of a cleaning tip, but those drops of dried toothpaste in your bathroom sink? Use them! It is a cleaner that will help shine your sink. OR

Reader’s Digest has 16 unusual ideas for toothpaste, but rather ingenious ones! Like cleaning one’s iron?

That’s just a sample of ideas. I could spend ALL day googling ideas for excess stockpile items. Instead, I’m asking YOU what are your best unique ideas? Please share!

Quizno’s 50% off any Toasty Torpedo™ when you purchase another Toasty Torpedo™ at

Want to try Quizno’s new Toasty Torpedos? Save 50% on 2nd one with printable cpn from I’ll be trying this next week, but please share your thoughts on this new sandwich!

BTW, super thank you to supermod Dewey for keeping all of our and other printables updated! See here for more AWESOME printables good all month of June!

Red Plum Online has some SWEET online cpns!

This part of the Red Plum (other major cpn insert publisher) has a SweetFinds page highlighting some of the best printable cpns found on the Red Plum site. Must see!

Some of the better ones, include:

*$50 Printable Cpn for Transfer to Rite-Aid (expires 6/30)
* $5 off $25 Online Cpn Code for Sally Beauty Supplies
* BOGO cpn at Baskin & Robbins for new soft-serve mix in shakes think DQ’s Blizzard)(Expires 6/21)
* $5 off online purchase at Home Depot! Combine with FREE Shipping offers to get some great cheapie items for home use.

Past dates have other great cpns/online codes. Definitely worth a bookmark!

Hurry…FREE Dark Chocolate Raspberry True Almond Delights from Quaker (Good While Supplies Last)

Thanks to PYP member Denik258 for bringing this great freebie to our attention. The offer is from (one of the cpn inserts publishers) and rumor has it that this new flavor is YUMMY! Find out for yourself! Get your sample while supplies last!

FIVE Effortless Time and Money Saving Technologies

We all know that there are lots of ways to save money if you’re willing to put forth a little time, but what about ways to save time, money and effort that don’t require any extra work on your part? Here are five free time and money saving technologies that I use every day. They’re seamless, easy-to-use, and take just a few minutes of setup before they become an automated everyday convenience.

  1. Picasa’s screenshot function. Even if you’re not into Picasa’s photo-editing services, I still recommend that every online shopper or online bill-payer have Picasa. Why? Because when Picasa is running, all you have to do is press the “print screen” button on your keyboard and Picasa automatically takes, saves, and files an image of your computer screen. Unfortunately, I learned about this function after my bank charged me an eighty-dollar late fee for a bill that I had paid on time, but of which they had no record and I had no proof (other than the entry I had made in my check ledger). Now I have Picasa set to automatically start whenever I turn on my computer, and I take screenshots of every order I place and every bill I pay with the press of just one button. Next time I need to consult a record of my online financial activities or an online order, it’ll all be right there waiting for me with no extra effort on my part.
  2. Craigslist’s photos plugin. Do you shop on Craigslist? If so, you’ve probably spent more than a few minutes clicking on multiple search results to look at pictures of advertised items. Well click no more! This plugin from Craigstoolbox causes listing photos to load within the search results. No more clicking on every hit that contains the word “loveseat” in order to see if one of them is the color you’re looking for. Just search, skim the photos that automatically load, and only click on the listings that have photos you like.
  3. Library Elf. Library Elf’s free basic service sends an e-mail when your items are almost due. For a scatterbrain like me, this is a huge money saver. No more late fines! To see if your library is supported, click here. And if you want additional services like notifications of books on hold or subscriptions to multiple libraries or library cards, those are available for a small annual fee.
  4. 1-800-goog-411. This ad-free (and cost-free) directory service will search for and automatically connect you to any business. I barely even use Internet directories any more; it’s much easier to simply dial this memorized number and tell the phone what business (Dominos? The doctor? The pediatric dentist? The craft and frame store? All the craft and frame stores?) I’d like to access. This is particularly convenient when I need to call the pediatrician and clean up kid puke at the same time.
  5. 1-800-FREE-411. This service requires that you listen to an ad and it doesn’t auto-connect you to your requested phone number like GOOG-411 does. However, it covers residential and government listings as well as business listings. Great for when you’re out and about and you need to find a friend or government office’s phone number quickly.

Couponese 102: Social and trading PYP lingo

Earlier we talked about basic coupon-related lingo. This post addresses lingo that appears in the PYP forums, but isn’t necessarily related specifically to couponing. Between these two posts, you should be able to decipher any forum post.

Terms related to PYP and how it functions

Admin: Any of the three administrators or owners of PYP: Thad, Karin and Shelley.
BRB: Be right back, a term used in the chat room.
Bump: Making a short post, often just using the word “bump,” to cause that post to appear that the top of the forum page. Threads are usually bumped by people who have listed items in the “classifieds” section and want to remind people that those items are still available, or by an admin or moderator who wants to remind people of a rule or regulation-related thread.
Mod: Moderator

Terms related to coupon trading and discussion

BRU: Babies-R-Us coupon
BTFE: Box tops for education certificate found on General Mills packages.
CGS: Carnation Good Star formula coupon
CKS: Formula checks, discount checks sent through the mail by formula companies.
CRT: Cash register tape or receipt, often required to complete a rebate.
DCRT: Dated cash register tape, often required to complete a rebate.
DCRTC: Dated cash register tape with the price circled, often required to complete a rebate.
DND: Do not double, indicating that that coupon being discussed has a “do no double” instruction at the top of it.
ECB: Extra care bucks. Customer rewards at CVS pharmacies. Learn more here.
Feedback: A thread where PYPers who have traded with each other can leave feedback regarding how well the trade went. Each trader has his or her own feedback thread.
FL: Food Lion.
Free-standing inserts: The actual inserts that contain the weekly coupons. The three major free-standing insert types are Smart Source, Redplum, and Procter and Gamble.
FSOT: For sale or trade.
FT: For trade.
G/C: Gift card or gift certificate.
H: Haves. The “H:” preceding a list of coupong indicates that these are the coupons the person has and is willing to trade.
HBA: Health and beauty items or the health and beauty section of a store.
HDA: Hot deal alert.
HT: Harris teeter.
IDSO: In dire search of. The person really wants a particular coupon.
IP: Internet printable.
ISO: In serach of. The person would like to trade for a particular coupon.
IVDSO: The person really really wants a particular coupon.
KRU: Kids R Us coupon.
LED: Long expiration date. The coupon under discussion has a longer than average expiration date.
LTD: Usually referring to quantity available or quanitity eligible for discount or rebate.
NAZ: Name, address, zip code, describing what information a person needs in order to mail a coupon or rebate.
NED: No expiration date.
Nfp: Refund form found in newspaper.
NT WT: Net weight.
OAS: A coupon that is good on all sizes.
OOP: Out of pocket cost. What someone paid for their deal.
OSI: On a single item.
POP: Proof of purchase, usually the receipt or barcode.
PPHF: Paypal handling fee, a fee paid through paypal, usually for someone’s time and effort in gathering, clipping, and mailing coupons.
Printables: Coupons you can print from the Internet
PTS: Points off of packages.
Q: Qualifier. The proof of purchase (POP) that is on the packaging of the item itself.
RAOK: Random act of kindness. Giving a coupon away.
RP: Redplum (formerly Valassis) coupon insert.
SASE: Self-addressed stamped envelope.
SCR: Single check rebates offered by RiteAid
SF: Store form. A rebate form found in the store rather than the newspaper.
SMP: Specially marked packages.
SS: SmartSource coupon insert.
Super doubles: When a store will double coupons that are greater than one dollar in value.
Sweeps: Sweepstakes form.
T/L or H/L or H: Things you have for trade.
TMF: Try me free.
Triple coupon (triples): When a store will triple a coupon’s value.
TRU: Toys are us.
UPC: Universal product code.
W: Want. Coupons the person wants to trade for.
W/C: With coupon
W/L: Wish list. Coupons the person wants to trade for.
WD: Winn Dixie
WSL: While supplies last.
WYB: When you buy.
YMMV: Your mileage may vary. An offer’s success is variable.

Terms commonly used in social discussion
BFF: Best friends (forever)
B/D/S/F/MIL: Brother/daughter/sister/son/father/mother-in-law
Cherry-pickers or cherry-picking: Purchasing only the lowest priced items at the best deals, often shopping at multiple stores in order to “cherry-pick” them all.
DD: Dear daughter
DH: Dear husband
DS: Dear son
DW: Dear wife (we use these terms to reference family members even if they’re not particularly dear at the moment).
DR: Dave Ramsey, a personal finance expert whose advice and methods some PYP members, particularly in the financial support group (FSG), discuss and follow.
ETA: Edited to add. The person added additional comments to their original post.
Forum: Where threads are organized by topic groups.
FSG: Financial support group forum on PYP.
FWIW: For what it’s worth.
FYI: For your information.
GF or BF: Boyfriend or girlfriend.
HTH: Hope this helps, usually accompanying information or explanation a person has given in response to another poster’s query.
IMHO (IMO): In my (honest) opinion.
LMK: Let me know.
LOL: Laugh out loud.
OOP: Out of pocket or what someone paid for their deal.
OP: Original post, or original poster.
PLMK: Please let me know.
PM: (noun) a private message (verb) to send someone a private message
Post: Comment or new thread made in the PYP forums.
PP: Purchase price.
PYP: Pinchng Your Pennies website
PYPers: PYP members
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
Siggy: User’s signature line that automatically appears beneath each of their posts.
Thread: A series of posts all displayed in linear fashion in which PYPers discuss a particular topic.
SO: Significant other.
TIA: Thanks in advance.
TMI: Too much information. This term is usually used to warn other PYPers that the thread contains information of a more-than-usually personal, medical, biological, or sexual nature.
TTYL: Talk to you later. Used in the PYP chat room.
WB: Welcome back. Used in the PYP chat room.

FREE Arby’s deals on Wednesdays ALL summer!

Thank you to PYP mod momtonathandtwins. Discussion here.

20 – Free Chocolate Malt Swirl Shake with any sandwich purchase
27 – Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase

3 – Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
10 – Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
17 – Free Regular Sidekickers® with any sandwich purchase
24 – Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase

1 – Free Regular Beef ‘n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
8 – Free Orange Cream Swirl Shake with any sandwich purchase
15 – Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
22 – Free Roastburger with any soft drink purchase
29 – Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase

5 – Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
12 – Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
19 – Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
26 – Free Regular Beef ‘n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase

(As always, check with your local restaurant to see IF they are participating.)

Family Bike Night at Gallivan Ctr- 5/15- FREE Food, Contests…


Bring the entire family and join us once again at Gallivan Plaza in downtown Salt Lake City Friday, May 15 for an evening of fun, food and prizes! From 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. visit vendor and information booths, have your bike tuned, and pick up your packet for the Salt Lake Century Ride.
Free helmets will be given away to the first 75 kids, and prize drawings will be held approximately every 15 minutes for a variety of prizes including helmets and cycling gloves courtesy of Salt Lake City Bicycle Company.

Enjoy a slice of Pappa John’s Pizza and stop by our Creamies Ice Cream booth while you check out the various activities taking place all evening. A student Bicycle Art display will be placed throughout the venue. From 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. take part or just enjoy watching the Tricycle Time Trials. This event is for kids of ALL ages and will be held in the arena area. Starting at 5:30 p.m. until approximately 7:00 p.m. you can demo modified bicycles at the Cyclo Show and Go. Note: Waivers and helmets are required of all who demo these bikes.

And, at 7:00 p.m. Utah’s very first Cycle Style Show will take place and will feature a variety of bicycles, and the latest in cycling and commuter apparel and gear. Come see how easy it is to ride your bike to work and be stylish at the same time!

At approximately 7:30 p.m. (after style show) prizes will be awarded to the student bike art contest winners! We will also a hold the drawings for the following prizes:

* Electric Bike Kit by Eco Moto

* Two bicycles courtesy of Specialized

* Cargo Bike courtesy of Madsen Cycle

For information about other Utah Bike Month events taking place in Utah visit the new bike month website.

Bike Bonanza contact – Pat Dierks -801.287.2062 or

FREE Coldplay Download-Live Album!

My 13 y.o. daughter told me about this cool freebie (sometimes we do communicate)! Today only, you can download Coldplay’s new LIVE album FREE from

Looks great!

Couponese 101: Coupon-Related Words, Terms, and Abbreviations

Does this sound like Latin to you?

“Help! I’m IVDSO the mfr. .75/1 Kraft coupons from SS 4/16. H: Doublers from Albertsons 4/16 and assorted MIRs and beer rebates. PM me?”

If that made your head spin, you’re not alone. Even us veteran couponers remember a time when that kind of talk made us feel like we had just walked into, well, strange-coupon-talkville. Don’t worry though. Here’s your language dictionary to help you make meaning of this crazy coupon code. The next post will address some of the forum related and PYP specific terms so that you’ll be able to follow any conversation you stumble across. Enjoy, and we look forward to having you be fluent in the language of massive savings! As always, comment with any questions and I’ll be sure to answer quickly.


Blinkie: A manufacturer coupon that is found in red or black machines with blinking red lights on them attached to store shelves.
Catalina/Register Rewards/ECB/Checkout Coupon: These all refer to a coupon that prints from a small machine next to the cash register when you buy certain products. Different stores call them different names, but they’re all the same thing.
Doubler: A coupon which allows the consumer to have the discount provided by a manufacturer (mfr.) coupon doubled. Thus, a couponer might say that she “combined doubler with a 75 c/o coupon to get a 1.50 discount.
Hangtag: A manufacturer coupon hanging around the neck of a product.
Mailer: A store or manufacturer coupon that was mailed to consumers.
Mfr/mfg: A manufacturer coupon, usually found in the newspaper insert.
MIR: Mail-in rebate, a piece of paper that must be filled out and mailed to the company, usually with your cash register receipt, in order to get a check for the advertised discount.
Insert coupon: A coupon that was found in the inserts in the Sunday newspaper.
Peelie: A manufacturer coupon in the form of a sticker on a product.
Printable: Coupon that can be printed from the Internet. Printable coupons cannot be photocopied.
Store Coupon: A coupon offered by the store as opposed to the manufacturer. These are most often found in store flyers and advertisements, and can also be received in mailers. Store coupons can generally be combined (“stacked”) with manufacturer (mfr.) coupons.
Winetag: A coupon found on a wine bottle. Winetags are either NWPN (no wine purchase necessary, meaning that you don’t need to buy a bottle of wine to use the coupon) or WPN (wine purchase necessary, meaning that you must buy wine in addition to the advertised item in order to use the coupon).

B1G1: The coupon offer is that when you buy one of an item, you get a second of that item for free.
The coupon item is for cents off the item, as in “75 c/o” or a “c/o coupon”
OYNO: On your next order. Describes register reward/catalina coupons which are good for a discount on your next purchase at the store that dispensed the coupon.
PG: Proctor and Gamble insert. Usually distributed on the first Sunday or each month, but sometimes more often.
Rolling a catalina or register reward coupon: Buying an item which triggers (causes to be printed) a coupon good on the same item that caused the coupon to print, and then using that coupon to purchase the item at a discounted rate, thus causing yet another coupon to print.
RP: Redplum insert. Less commonly distributed than the Smart Source insert, the Redplum insert is not available in all areas.
Stack: Using a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon on the same item for a greater discount. Manufacturer coupons cannot be stacked with each other.
SS: Smart Source coupon insert. This is the most commonly distributed and usually the largest insert.
TMF: Try me free. A mail-in rebate (MIR) for the full cost of the item, intended to let the consumer try to item for free by refunding the customer the full cost of the item.

AC: After coupon. The advertised price is available after the use of a store coupon (defined above), usually found in the store’s weekly ad.
Albies: Albertsons
B1G1: As with coupons, this indicates that the promotion is to buy one of an item and get a second of that item free.
Fred Meyer, an Idaho-based Kroger store.
Raincheck, a paper which states the the store will honor the advertised price on a sale item they were out of.
While supplies last, meaning no rainchecks will be given on the sale item.
WM: Wal-Mart
YMMV: Your mileage my vary. The success of the deal will depend on factors like sales and coupon policies at the store.

Ready for more? See Couponese 102: Social and Trading Lingo

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