Pay It Forward This Summer!

We’re constantly out and about enjoying our summer and tend to come in contact with a lot of people. So teaching my children about paying it forward has come up in a few conversations we’ve had. It’s a good reminder that it’s the simple things we do for each other that can make this crazy life a little less stressful. So here are some simple pay it forward ideas you can use to bless others.

Heart Attack Someone – no reason to wait around for Valentine’s Day to heart attack someone. Find a widow in your neighborhood or stop by a friends house who could use a pick me up.

A Hug – a simple hug could brighten a dear friends day.

Offer to Take A Photo For a Tourist – It’s so simple and we all know how precious those pictures are. So the next time you’re at an amusement park watching Mom gather her family for a picture, ask if she’d like you to take it for her.

Make Dinner for a Neighbor – Often times I find myself delivering meals to those who just had a baby or have come home from surgery but it doesn’t hurt to surprise someone with a homemade meal. We all know we have those rough days, you might just be their angel that day.

Pay a Meter That’s Expired – not only will they be grateful when they see this simple act but they’ll avoid a ticket and having to pay much more.

Pick up Trash – the next park date you have, make it a goal to pick up a bag of trash or any garage you see on the ground. Just make sure you take a bag with you.

Hold the Door for Someone – we’re in and out of stores and restaurants all summer. There’s lots of opportunities to simple hold the door for someone else.

Bring Donuts to Work – I mean who wouldn’t love a tasty treat when they come into work.

Leave Any Unneeded Coupon Near The Product – as you’re going around the store and find yourself not needing some of the coupons you have, leave them near the product so someone else can benefit from it.

Offer to Watch Someone’s Children – sometimes, especially during the summer, mom just needs a moment of peace and quite. Offer to have her kids at your house while she gets some time to herself either to run errands, clean the house or just relax and take a nap.

Let Someone go Ahead of You – either in the checkout line or the bathroom, standing in line isn’t the funnest. Offer to let someone go ahead of you.

Let Your Spouse Sleep In – maybe won’t work all the time or with every schedule but why pay it forward in your own home. I’m sure they’ll be waking up on the right side of the bed.

What other ways have you Payed it Forward or had a simple act of service done for you? We’d love to hear them all in the comments below.

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