How to Politely Request No Christmas Gifts

I don’t know about you, but I have had it up to here (picture me holding my hand above my head) with clutter and stuff! I absolutely love Christmas and I truly appreciate any gifts and the thought that people are thinking of me and caring enough about me to give me a gift, but I simply don’t need more stuff. My husband feels the same way. 

While I don’t want to be rude or hurtful to anyone, I want to make sure that I am able to let others know that I don’t want any gifts during the holidays. If you feel the same way, but you don’t know how to go about letting people know, check out these tips on how to politely request no Christmas gifts.

How to Politely Request No Christmas Gifts

These are all great gift ideas for anyone on a budget. 

Just Be Honest

Honesty is always the best policy. If you truly just don’t want any gifts this holiday season, tell your friends and family. Explain that you have everything you need and you don’t want them to worry about spending their time or money on you.

Offer Alternatives

Personally I love the alternatives to holiday gifts that I have discovered and focused on over the last few years. I have found a real love for food gifts, experience gifts and just time with my loved ones. 

For example, in recent years, my husband and I will often forgo gifts and instead we will schedule a weekend away or a date night at a new restaurant. That time together is far better than a material thing to me. 

If someone is having a hard time with the idea of not getting you a gift, suggest that they can make you that recipe that you love so much, or maybe you can schedule a trip together, or how about dinner at one another’s homes? All of these are great ways to let someone know you care about them without giving a typical gift.

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