With gas prices going up and people take more vacations now than they ever have, a lot of people are in a grey area when it comes to make ends meet. With these practical ways to save money when it comes to going cross country or even just cross state, you’ll be able to put a little extra money in your pocket or simply be able to have a better trip. Take a look at the helpful tips below and see how much money they save you on your very next trip!
Car Pool
Everyone lives in an area where specific vacations are popular. For example, if you live in Georgia, Florida may be a popular travel destination. Find out if your neighbors, friends, or even co-workers are planning a vacation or trip similar to yours. Plan yours at the same time and car pool with them. Once you get there, you can always go your separate ways.
Take A Bus
Instead of flying to your next destination, why not consider taking a bus? Greyhound bus tickets typically cost $200 to $300 less each way than a last minute plane ticket. Sure, you’ll have to sit on a bus for a longer period of time than you would be flying but with the money you would save, it may be worth it but that’s entirely up to you to decide upon.
Reschedule Your Trip
This one may be a little inconvenient but it could be the difference in spending a penny or spending a dime. Most people that travel on a regular basis know that it’s a lot cheaper to travel during certain times of the year. For example, it’s nearly twice as much to fly to Las Vegas during the summer months versus going during the Winter or Fall. It also has an added benefit as typically, vacation or hot travel spots are less crowded in the off season.
Open A Savings Account
Last but not least, you always have the option of opening a savings account. You probably already have one which is fine but in that case, you can open a second one. Save your vacation or trip up to a year in advance, build a little interest, and know that you’ll be good to go when it comes time to take your trip. You won’t save a ton of money this way but you will at least have the peace of mind knowing that next to nothing can cancel it.
So, to recap, all that you need to do is consider doing a car pool, opening a new or second savings account, taking a bus instead of plane, or rescheduling your trip during off months. If you try at least one of these methods, we’re confident that you’ll save enough money to make you turn this into a habit. And we all know that there are bad habits as well as good habits. Saving money and having the time of your life is definitely a very good habit.