Prep Your Car for Winter with These Tips

Winter is rapidly approaching and if you are anything like me, you have procrastinated a bit in your winter prep. For your vehicle, that is. I am putting my foot down though and I am definitely going to be getting my car prepped for winter this week!

If you are ready to be responsible like me (haha), you too can prep your car for winter with these tips. Before you know it, we will all be ready to take on the cold weather in our rides!

Prep Your Car for Winter with These Tips

Be Sure You Are Caught Up on Maintenance

Have you had your battery checked yet? Oil changed recently? Fluid levels checked? Now is the time to be sure you are all caught up on your regular car maintenance. The change in climate can affect the way your vehicle is running, especially if you have fallen behind in your maintenance.

Replace Your Windshield Wipers

No time like now to get some new wipers on that car! You never know when you are going to experience a downpour or snowfall and you need to make sure your wipers are up to the task. 

While you are at it, be sure and fill up your windshield wiper fluid too. I recommend buying one with a deicer in it to make those cold mornings go more smoothly.

Check Your Tires

When was the last time you replaced your tires? If you are near the end of your tires’ life, now is the time to replace them. Lack of tread equals a dangerous drive in wet, icy or slick conditions. 

Get a Good Emergency Kit

Every car needs a good emergency kit, but especially during the winter time. Accidents can easily happen in slick driving conditions so you need to be prepared.

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