Just in case you missed this article on menu planning the first time we shared it a couple of years ago, we are republishing it. After Marne wrote this blog originally, we got an awesome response. This is one of the PYP Best Blogs!
Menu planning has always been daunting to me. I go through phases when I do it, and don’t do it. I am always glad when I have it done, though. Over the years I have learned a few things about menu planning that work for me and my family.
1. Simple is best. Sure…trying new recipes is fun but simple, basic recipes is when my family is happiest. That means mom is happy too.
2. Involve children in menu planning. They are more apt to not complain when they have a say in what is being eaten. There can be a kids choice night, they can help you decide the month in advance, or you can schedule fun food nights. No matter how you do it they will know you are thinking of them.
3. Prep more than one meal at once. If you are cooking hamburger for tacos one night, cook double and freeze the rest for your soup later in the week. Saves so much time.
4. Plan meals around leftover ingredients in your fridge and what you have in your food storage. If you are planning simple. basic meals that don’t have a lot of fluff you will most likely have everything you need on hand, except perishables. Making a quick weekly trip to the store for perishables is much easier than huge stock-up trips.
I have tried many different ways to menu plan over the years. I have spent hours and hours online looking at menu planning websites, cooking blogs, and recipe sites to get ideas. Sure, I was reading lots of great ideas but it was only overwhelming me not helping me. Binders, boxes, files….ACK!!! I decided that I was making things too complicated….and I just need to keep my menu planning simple, easy, and clean.
I started by going through my recipes and writing down lists of everything we like to eat…soups, meats, chicken, sides etc, so I had an idea of where to start with my meals.
For now, I will be planning on a monthly basis. I am first beginning with dinners, as that seems to be the most difficult. I left a spot at the bottom to write in treats I want to make during the month and breakfasts I want to make. I will fill those in later and as I see fit.