A PYP Best Blog! Make Your Own Quote Wall!

Just in case you missed this DIY article on making your own quote wall the first time we shared it a couple of years ago, we are republishing it. After Marne wrote this blog originally, we got an awesome response. This is one of the PYP Best Blogs!


I love quotes and inspirational thoughts. They lift me up and help inspire me to be a better person. I have seen ideas online on creating a quote wall, so I decided to improvise and make my own. There was a small blank wall by my kids’ bathroom and it was the perfect spot.

Instead of buying frames, I used canvases that I already had, except the 5×7 sizes. They had been under my bed for several years, so I knew they would be perfect! And I was able to use what I had a home. Love that. I got the 5×7 canvases for $1.99 each last week at Micheal’s at 60% off.

I printed my prints at Costco, high quality and the best price around. Then I just modge poged the prints onto the canvas…easy peasy. I didn’t put anything on top of the print. Then I stuck them to the wall with a 3M product…you know those one that come off clean and don’t damage the wall? It was a really fast project to do.

I am really pleased with it and my kids really like it. I heard them telling their friends the other day, “If you want to be happy, be good!” I love having positive quotes on the wall and reminders. The kids see them everyday and we talk about what they mean.

Here are where I got the free prints on my wall in case you are interested. There are so many places online where there are free prints to download!

CTR print..Choose The Right (free)
We can do Hard Things (free)
Home print…Eighteen25 (free)

The other 3 prints were not free, but very reasonably priced at Simply Fresh Designs.

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