Both children and adults are born with teeth that may come in crooked. After a trip to the dentist, there may be a recommendation that an appointment with an orthodontist be made for braces. Braces can be expensive, but there are ways to save money on these services:
#1. Think about what the problem really is.
When going to see an orthodontist, that dental professional may only want to use something like braces or a mouthpiece to correct a simple problem like slightly crooked teeth. However, is a simple problem really worth the time, hassle, and expense? Slightly crooked teeth are really not a big deal, and if your child has no problems with it, then why put them through that when there are other ways that you and your family can use that money?
#2. It is never too early to start treatment.
You child’s pediatrician may recommend that you start taking your child to the dentist as early as when they first get their first teeth. Though it may seem strange to take a very young baby to a pediatric dentist, they do exist, and preventative care is always the best way to make sure that there are no problems in the future.
#3. Do some comparison shopping to get the best deal possible.
If one orthodontist gives you a price for orthodontist services, you need to remember that they are not the only office in town. Competition to get patients is always tough, and there are offices out there that may be willing to lower the cost of services, like braces, especially if they hear that you are looking at other offices.
#4. Look for coupons for certain services.
Though it may sound strange, the fact is that there are coupons available for anything these days including for things like braces, veneers, and other services that orthodontists offer. If a new orthodontist comes to town, this may present the perfect opportunity because they may offer very special discounts if people choose to sign up with them and become a patient.
#5. Talk to the office manager about a deal if you are able to pay cash.
If you have ever gone to a car dealership to buy a car, if you mention that you can pay cash for the car, the salesman will perk right up because cash is one of the best and easiest ways for them to sell a car. The same may be true for the orthodontist, and other dental professionals, because if you tell them you can pay for part of the services in cash, then they may be willing to lower the price for you.
#6. Dental expenses can be written off of taxes.
The Federal government allows for medical expenses to be written off, but the problem is that you may not have had enough to really count. However, if you do have to use the service of an orthodontist for yourself, and your children as well, you are sure to have enough to actually deduct from your taxes, which means you will get a big chunk of money coming back to you that can be used for something else.