How to Save Money on summer activities


What are your plans for the upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school? Are you worried that you are going to be stuck at home all summer long? Is your budget a little too low to keep you out and about experiencing all of the fun things that you were hoping to do?


Well, my friends, it’s time for you to relax! There is no need to stress about it because, I am going to give you some tips on how to save money on summer activities:


Head to the park – parks are free! Lots of parks in my area offer splash pads and fountains too so they will help you beat the heat.


Head to the lake – most public waterways are free or cheap to get to, so why not head to the lake? Want to get on the water? Grab an inflatable kayak and go out and have fun! My husband and I bought these 2 summers ago and have had hours and hours of fun in them!


Get a pool or sprinkler for home – if you have a yard, there’s no reason you can’t stay cool right at home. Kids pools and sprinklers, or even. Slip and slide are super cheap!


Sign up to read – Have you looked into the summer reading program at your local library? These programs are weekly, free and offer all kinds of fun activities for the kids to enjoy!


Bowl for free – kids bowl free! Many bowling alleys across the country take part in the kids bowl free program which allows kids to play free every day. This is a great way to keep your kids busy and active.


What plans do you have for this summer to stay busy on a budget? I want To hear all of your great ideas!

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