Back in the olden days, only the very rich had refrigerators, and people had to do things in order to keep food as long as they could. The only real way they had to preserve food was to can it, and then they could store the food in their basements or cellars for a very long time, maybe even years. However, canning became something people do not do too often when refrigerators became more affordable, but believe it or not some people still can food, and it can actually save money for the following reasons.
#1. End of season canning supplies are very cheap.
The typical canning season is the spring and summer, and when the fall comes, no one cans anymore so stores have their canning supplies reduced significantly just to get rid of them. People can go and pick up the supplies for practically nothing, and people can really can things all year long if they want to.
#2. Find the best deals on fruits and vegetables.
While spring and summer is the best time for a lot of different produce, and this is also the time for it to go on sale as well. However, people need to remember that groceries stores are not the only option when it comes to finding fruits and vegetables. During the spring and summer, there are farmers markets that are available on the weekends.
These markets can offer fruit and vegetables for prices a lot lower than a national chain of super markets. Also, people should consider buying from these local markets because it supports local growers who sell what they grow in order to care for their families and pay their bills.
#3. Meat can also be canned.
People may not know this, but other things can be canned other than fruits and vegetables. Meat may seem like an unusual thing to can, but it can be done. Beef, pork, and chicken can be canned as long as it is done properly and a pressure cooker is used. To make canning easier, some canners like to make meals that they can like stews and soups, which will keep for a lot longer as long as it is done properly.
#4. Consider growing your own vegetables.
The summer means that produce is on sale, and also the seeds and seedlings that people plant in their gardens to grow their own vegetables are also available to buy. If people do not want to deal with spending money on vegetables, then they can easily grow their own, and when it comes to canning, all they need to do is go outside and pick what they want to can.
#5. Canned fruits and vegetables can also be sold.
Some people really love the taste of canned peaches, canned beets, and even canned corn, and when they find out that people are still canning, they may be willing to pay for jars of canned fruits, vegetables, and meat. People with the skills and talent to can things can make a little money on the side, which will really help them financially.