With gas costs beginning to flip flop around, we thought that’d put something together for you that will help you save money on gas. It could be for a big summer trip, it could be for the commute to work, or it could even be for those random trips to town that you hardly ever take. Regardless of what you need to cut gas costs for, we’re here to help. So, with that being said, scroll down now to find out how you can cut costs on gas costs right now.
Car Pool
The first thing that you can do to save money on gas is to car pool. No, we’re not asking you to pile in your car with 8 other people and make the journey to work together. But, if you have a neighbor close by that works with you or your significant other works close by, ask them to ride with you during the week. You can split the gas costs and alternate weeks. That way, there’s not too much wear and tear on anyone’s car and you save 50% of your money. This works really well but just make sure that you have someone to ride with you.
Pay With Credit
The second thing that we recommend doing to cut down on gas costs is to pay with credit. The only reason that we recommend doing this is because it may be easier to have one solid bill every month for the gasoline bought versus forking out $10 a day in cash for gas. Just make sure that you can pay it off every single month and the interest rate isn’t high.
Trade In Your Old Car
If you’re driving an older car that you’ve made major repairs to and are struggling with the cost of gas, you may be better off trading in your old car for a new, fuel efficient car. The average American can afford a $15,000-$20,000 car if they make the average income. Even if you can’t buy a newer car than yours but get it used. You’ll save a ton of your money!
Get Rewards
Finally, the last tip that we have for you to save money on gas is to sign up for rewards cards. Most gas station chains, like Shell, have rewards cards that will save you money on gas. Some grocery stores even offer this now so definitely take advantage of that. We know that you can save as much as 20 or 25 cents off a gallon with these rewards cards.
And that’s all that you have to do to save money on gas. We know that gas costs have been going up lately and it’s likely that we’ll one day see gas that costs as much as $5 a gallon one day. Be prepared for when that happens and save up a little extra money in the meantime. Then, if it ever gets that high again, you can apply these tips and save money!