Some of us have the luxury of living in areas where the water bill stays the same no matter how much (or how little) water you use during the month. Unfortunately, others’ water bills are based on usage and that’s where we come in. We have a few tips for those of you that fall into that category as to how you can cut down on your water bill. They’re easy to implement, they won’t cost you a dime, and best of all, they’ll save you a ton of money. Are you ready to find out what they are? Great! We’re ready to tell you. Now, scroll down!
Take Showers
The first tip that we have for you when it comes to cutting down on your water bill is to start taking showers. No, we aren’t insulting you or saying you are dirty but if you are currently taking baths every night, consider making the switch to showers. You’ll use much less water, it’s much quicker, and you’ll cut down on your water like never before. You also won’t get prune fingers (or toes) like you tend to get when you take a bath instead.
Eliminate The Drip
How many times have you walked into the kitchen and noticed that your faucet was dripping? Okay, probably quite a few times, right? Well, replacing that faucet or fixing the drip could save you a ton of money on your water bill. While it may not seem like much right now, that dripping water can add up over time and make your water bill way more.
Increase The Load
Next, we want you to increase the amount of dishes that you are doing per load. We know that a lot of you do the cups and silverware separate (makes sense) but you don’t have to. It may mean that you have to do a little extra scrubbing but it will cut down on your water bill especially if you’re one of those people (big families) that have to do dishes every single day. If you have a dishwasher, wait until you have a full load to do all of your dishes.
Buy Bottled Water
Finally, the last tip that we have for you is to buy bottled water. It may not make much sense right now but it will. Instead of drinking tap water or using a filter, get your water in a bottle and drink it that way. Every time you fill up a glass of water via your faucet, you’re adding to your water bill. For smaller families (or those of you that live solo), it will help cut down your water bill. Still don’t believe us? Try drinking off brand bottled water.
And those are our tips on how you can save money on your water bill. They may not seem like much but we promise that they work. If you live in an area that has a set amount for the water bill, this list probably doesn’t apply to you but it still wouldn’t hurt to go green and save water anyways. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s pinch some pennies, live life, and cut down on your water bill. After all, it’s only the right thing to do. Enjoy!