Savings Tips for Kids


School is starting soon and it’s time to get those kids learning!  It doesn’t have to be all about school though…why not get them learning all kinds of new stuff!  Take budgeting and saving for example. Would you like your kids to be in a comfortable place when it comes to money when they are grown?  If you said yes, you need to put some focus on saving now before bad money habits begin. It’s okay though, these savings tips for kids are all quite easy and not at all intimidating. 


Savings Tips for Kids


  • Set an example! For your kids to be the most successful that they can be, they need to see you set a good example for them.  The way that you go about spending your money, is just like anything else you do in life in front of your kids.  If you live a healthy life, your kids will be more likely to live a healthy life. If you are kind to others, your children are more likely to be kind to others.  If you spend and save your money wisely, your children are more likely to do the same with their money.
  • Teach them the difference between wanting and needing.  Wants vs. needs is a huge issue when it comes to making sound money decisions.  Many people think that they need things that they, in fact, do not need at all. You need to help your children understand the difference between the two.
  • Talk about money often.  In many families, money is a hushed subject that is not spoken about.  Why though? Why not talk about money openly with your children? Kids can’t go through their childhood knowing nothing about money and then be successful when they become adults.  It simply does not work that way.


What are the best tips that you heard when it comes to teaching your children about money?

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