It’s getting hot out where I live and in some parts of the country it is getting REALLY hot. When it gets really hot we all seem to have the same goal – staying cool! I am one of those crazy people who likes it to be cold so the summer heat makes me try almost anything to stay cool. I have a couple of kids who are just like me – they hate being too hot. Does that sound familiar? Yesterday we talked about beating the heat and staying cool by making popsicles. Today it is a more serious topic. How do you beat the heat and stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner?
Face it, using the air conditioner is expensive. I hate seeing the electric bills during the hot summer months. They can be at least twice what the bills are during other months. Every summer this makes me look for ways to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner, I’m determined to save money on those bills. There are a few easy ways to do this.
Close the blinds
This is an easy way to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner! Research has shown that about 30% of the heat in your house in the summer comes from the windows. Keeping the blinds closed will help keep out some of the heat. Closed blinds can reduce the temperature of a room by up to 20 degrees. South and West facing windows are especially important to close the blind on and block the afternoon heat.
Pull the curtains
If you don’t have blinds, pull the curtains. Or even add heat blocking curtains to a window with blinds. You can stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner if you keep that heat from shining in the windows.
Get a ceiling fan
If you don’t have ceiling fans, get some. They are an inexpensive improvement. Then remember to set your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise. Ceiling fans need to be adjusted seasonally. Set them counter-clockwise in the summer and run them at a higher speed. The airflow produced will create a breeze that will make you “feel” cooler. You’ll be able to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner.
Open the windows
In many areas the temperatures drop after the sun goes down. Open the windows and let the cool night air in to cool your house. Use fans to pull the air in and create a cross breeze. Opening the windows at night is another easy way to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner.
Turn on the fans
Use the fans in your house to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner. Exhaust fans can help pull hot air out of the house. Add table fans or floor fans to areas where increased airflow will help cool rooms.
Turn off the oven
This is a fun way to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner. Use the barbeque, microwave or crock-pot to cook your meals. Don’t add heat to your house by prepping meals with the oven. Plan ahead and use the oven at later night after the windows are open and the sun has gone down.
Have more ideas to stay cool in the summer without using the air conditioner? Let us know. We love hearing from our readers.