*HOT* Essential Home 18-gallon Totes With Lids Only $3.32 Each After SYWR!! (Reg $7.99)


I have a few obsessions in life, and one of them happens to be storage bins. That’s why I’m super stoked about this next Kmart deal for Shop Your Way Reward members!

Right now, Shop Your Way Reward members can get $10 back in Points with a qualifying home purchase of $30 more more. Included in this promo are Essential Home 18-gallon totes with lids in six different colors. These are also marked down to only $4.99 right now!

You can buy six of these totes and add a small qualifying filler item to reach the $30 threshold and get $10 back in Points. That makes each tote only $3.32 each!! Awesome deal if you need some more organized storage!

Need some filler item ideas?

If you’re not looking for totes, you can get an awesome deal on some plush velvet throws with this promo instead! Or, mix and match!



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