Adult Men Superhero T-Shirt Costumes ONLY $14.59 Shipped!! So Easy!!


If you picked up one of those women’s t-shirt costumes a few days ago from eBay, here’s a chance to pick up one for your superhero sidekick! These adult men superhero t-shirt costumes are only $14.59 on eBay, and they’d be perfect for the Mr!

There are a handful of superhero and villain costumes to choose from, and they’re so simple too! Each costume comes with a superhero t-shirt and matching accessories.

  • Batman includes a t-shirt, mask and cape.
  • Robin includes a t-shirt, eye mask and cape.
  • Green Lantern includes a t-shirt, eye mask and ring.
  • The Flash includes a t-shirt and eye mask.
  • The Riddler includes a t-shirt and eye mask.
  • The Joker and Arrow costumes includes a t-shirt only. (The pants and Joker wig and makeup are not included with the easy superhero costumes for men.)
  • Superman costume includes t-shirt and cape.


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