Things to Do With Your Kids on a 3 Day Weekend!

We just went back to school after the winter break and now, they have a 3 day weekend! Don’t get me wrong I love having my kids home but sometimes it gets a little much and the fighting kicks in because they’re board or just want something fun to do. So I’ve put together some ideas we’ve posted on the wall the kids can do this weekend while they’re out of school.

  1. Paint Nails
  2. Puzzles
  3. Create Calm Down Jars (I love this tutorial)
  4. Snow Ice Cream
  5. Make paper airplanes & fly them
  6. Learn to sew
  7. Board Games
  8. Bake cookies
  9. Make homemade playdough
  10. Blanket fort
  11. Create secret messages
  12. Face paint
  13. Look through old photos
  14. Send sail mail to loved ones
  15. learn to cross stitch
  16. play a dice math game
  17. Marble painting
  18. Play with baking soda and vinegar
  19. Make popcorn
  20. bubble bath
  21. Magazine Collage of things you love
  22. picnic for lunch
  23. paper bag puppets
  24. make your own movie
  25. talent show
  26. Kid Yoga
  27. Make a music video
  28. write a short story
  29. build a snowman
  30. Color the snow

What some things you guys love to do on long weekends together? Do you stay home or get out? Often times we’ll find friends to play. Then we’ll pull out a craft and let them create together.

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