How to Throw an Inexpensive Birthday Party

Oh birthday parties. I have such a love/hate relationship with them. My kids absolutely love going to parties and having them, but for the mom it can be a little overwhelming and expensive! There are a few quick tips to help you out when throwing a party on a budget. Here are a few ideas that should keep you from spending too much:

  • Start planning early- If you procrastinate you will be buying items on the whim which usually will end up costing more money. If you have a theme then start months before hand and watch for when items go on sale.
  • Digital birthday invites- There are so many ways to make an invite that can be e-mailed for FREE. This will save on making and printing out invites.
  • Use what you have on hand- Look around your home and see what decorations and games you already have at home. No need to re-invent the wheel right? Use leftover plates, balloons, and games.
  • Have the party at your home or a free location- No need to go somewhere and spend a fortune to have a good time. Have a party at your home, a local park, or on the beach.
  • Make your own cake and treats- making your own cake will save you tons of money. Grab a $0.99 cake box and decorate it with fun items from the dollar store. There are super cute ideas on Pinterest that can help with decoration.
  • Play games and activities that don’t cost money- there are so many fun games that kids enjoy that don’t require you to buy an extra items. Play classic games like: Red Rover, Duck Duck Goose, Pin the Tail on the Donkey (or other variations), scavenger hunts with clues, relay races and more.


I’ve noticed if I’m enthusiastic about whatever we are doing, it will naturally rub off to the kids. They will be excited about whatever activity we have planned and I don’t have to pay a lot of money for that!

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