Tips For Your First Credit Card


Getting your very first credit card is something that you’ve probably been quite anxious for. The day that most of us turn 18, we have two things on our mind. We’re now legally adults and we can now get a credit card. Well, unfortunately, most of us have a tough time with our credit card whether it’s avoiding the temptation to max it out the day that we get it or with getting a credit card in general. We’re going to assume that you’ve just gotten your very first credit card and we have some helpful tips for how to control it!


Controlled Spending

The first piece of advice that we want to give to new card holders is to control your spending. What we mean by this is that you should keep a very close eye on what you are using to buy your card and what the total of those purchases is. For example, for most new card holders, we recommend using your new credit card for gas and emergencies only. You have to put gas in your car anyways so use the credit card and pay it off every month.

Switch Cards Regularly

Every few months (or 6 months at the most), try switching credit cards. Keep one card active, use it for a few purchases, pay off the balance monthly, and then get a new card. Doing this will ensure that you’re never stuck with the same company for too long and you’ll get some pretty sweet offers from other companies. It also looks good on your credit card application because you’ve had various accounts, all of which are in good standing.

Don’t Increase Your Limit

We know that companies like Capital One typically start you out with a $300 spending limit. We don’t recommend ever getting a credit card with more than that on it. Later on down the road, once you’re more experienced with credit cards, you can get a card with more of a limit but for now, $300 is perfectly fine. It’ll pay for a tow, groceries for the month, a full tank of gas, or whatever else you would ever possibly need the card for in the future.

Communicate Regularly

Finally, the last tip that we have for you is to contact your credit card company regularly just to check on your account. You’ll probably have access to an online account but we’d like to think that it’s better to speak with someone in person. This will ensure that your account is in good standing, has no outstanding balances, and nothing has changed on it.


So, there you have it. This concludes our list of Tips For Your First Credit Card and we hope that you walk away (or click away in this case) with some valuable information that will help you time and time again. Be sure to check back often as we’re always putting up money saving tips, ideas, and practices that appeal to a very wide audience. As always, get out there and live life, have some fun, and save money. After all, that’s what it’s all about!

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