Tips to Hosting the BEST Yard Sale!

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It’s that time of year where yard sales start popping up everywhere! We’ve been spring cleaning and finding lots of stuff we don’t need any more so it had me thinking it’s time to do a yard sale! After lots of research (and some experience) I’ve put together some tips you can use to having the best yard sale!

Make sure you’re watching the weather. Here in Utah it’s hit and miss on when it’s going to rain this time of year but I’m seeing lots of good weekends that will be perfect to host a yard sale. And right now it’s not too hot so I won’t mind sitting out there!

Bigger is usually better! You’ll get more traffic if you have more stuff. That doesn’t mean it has to be all of your stuff. If you have a close friend you could easily have all your stuff in the same area so you get more interest. Or get your neighbors on board and have a whole block yard sale party – now that’s something to attract a lot of people.

Get your whole family involved! I mean this especially for your kids! It’s a great way for them to earn money by selling their toys, clothes and other things they may not play with anymore. You could either let them keep the money that comes from selling these items or offer to pay them a percentage of the profit you make all together. They could even have a bake sale during your yard sale to earn more! (Sell to the season, so soda/water in the warmer months, baked goods in spring, cotton candy, icees and more)

Make sure you advertise well. Make fun bright signs (lots of ideas online) to hang up around the area and on main roads. Then make sure you post like crazy on Facebook. There’s tons of Facebook yard sale groups that let you advertise on their page. Put it on your personal page and share with all your friends and neighbors as well.

Price your items to sell. We are all deal hunters so we know what a good deal is. That includes used items so make sure you’re pricing well. You can also do a deal for other deal hunters! Maybe towards the end of your sale you post on Facebook a 1 hour 50% off sale before close when you mention this post! That will get people coming and you won’t have to offer the sale to everyone that comes, only those who saw the post.

Use what you have to display your items. From tables, ladders, chairs and more you can get creative. It’s best to hang your clothing when you’re selling clothing but you can even put blankets out on the grass or driveway to lay other items on like toys and books. Make your yard sale pleasing to the eye.

Then don’t forget your essentials. You’ll want to make sure you have change for those paying with larger bills. LOTS of 1’s and a roll of quarters is a must. I’d have a few 5’s on hand too. Have a calculator (or phone) handy to add purchases up. If you’re selling fragile items, have some newspaper handy or grocery bags. Then play some music and put up your sign and you’ll be good to go!

I hope these tips help you earn some money for the stuff you have and don’t need. And remember you can donate what’s left over to write it off on your taxes or save it for another yard sale date!

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