Tips for Keeping Your Resolutions


Do you plan to set New Year’s Resolutions this year? New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that has been around for thousands of years. New Year’s Resolutions are a great way to go into the new year feeling motivated and excited for the year to come. 

With the last year (and more) that we have had, it’s easy to feel defeated about the year to come, but in order for the best mental health we must have something to look forward to. For me, that means the great things that are to come in the new year! New Year’s resolutions though, aren’t always easy to keep. If you are the type that struggles with this, these tips for keeping your resolutions will keep you moving forward in the new year!

Tips for Keeping Your Resolutions

Make Sure They are Realistic

If you set resolutions that are not realistic, it’s not likely to be successful. Let’s say you are hoping to read more this year. You need to set a goal such as “I will read one book per month” instead of “I’m going to read 50 books this year.” 

Make Your Resolution Specific

A specific goal is easier to focus on than a non-specific one. Let’s say you want to exercise more, your resolution should be something such as “walk 10 minutes per day” versus “I want to exercise more this year”. A specific goal gives you something tangible to reach for.

Create a Vision Board

It’s important to remind yourself of your resolutions and goals and vision board is a great way to give yourself this reminder. If other reminder tactics work for you that’s fine too, it’s important that you have a reminder. 

Be Patient

 All good things take time. Be patient to see results and you’ll be more likely to keep your resolutions and succeed. 

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